Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Thanks Hintori ! DH has told me now, That he has caught one a year or so ago...so this is not the first we've seen. We have no outside cats either, anymore :( I miss my outdoors cats,,all himalayins, or outshoots of. Anyone have Himalayin/main coon-type long hair BIG kittens, PM me please ! (and we just got ALL new furniture in the house ! Won't a few kitties be soooooooooooooooooooooooo happy !?!?) :D Last one died of old age about 4 years ago...ah yes, I miss Miss Stinky, was DH's cat. She loved to sleep on & barf down the side of the clothes dryer. She slept on his head at night...purring & kneading and making hair all over the pillows.and she could talk if you talked to her. She was a Tuxedo cat. My cat Wee Wee: Wee Wee was so named by a Scottish woman who lived in our resort, in ClearLake Oaks, CA...she called the kitten "wee wee beauty" Wee Wee rode around on my shoulder til she got too big, then caught flies & ripped all the curtains down... I love this photo... Yes Wee Wee was fun. She brought home very alive chipmunks, mice, gophers and hummingbirds and laid them on our bed as gifts....and the funnest part about WeeWee was she LOVED paper, she ATE several paychecks left on the desk (complete with deposit slips) and she ATE cash money ! She laid on & rolled as if on catnip, every one of my watercolor paintings on French, Aquamarel 300# rag paper.......smearing paint & leaving cat hair attached to the deckled edge..........I had to be careful with paper, around Wee Wee..... Then my brother had cool cats, til one day the cat came home no more, and brother found the cat's collar in the edges of his property, cut off with scissors.............but no sign evermore of the cat. That was the last Bob: Bob was large and in charge, and often resting in anyone's pathway... LOL he laid on the back of the couch this way too LOL Let's see others kitties ! OK ?
Adorable kitties! Do a Google search for rescues in your area and call to ask them if they have any good barn cats or feral cats. Lots of places just outside big cities get cats that are perfectly fine but not suited to living as pets. I'm also looking for a couple good barn cats myself because of our mole, vole, and rat problems but the best ones I've found so far are just outside Portland and more north of Seattle, but honestly i've been pretty lazy about searching. Maybe do a Craigslist wanted ad for outside cats?
Recall on Purina feed :http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm393549.htm

I have a bag of the recalled feed - these feeds were distributed to Washington and Oregon feed stores:he  
Edit to add: After checking with my local feed store this morning - my bag is the same LOT but different DATE than the recall. Whew!

thank goodness I'm using game bird feed for my flock .. didn't see any recall for that

flock of one still, but hoping to get the quarantine coop and run put together as soon as the rain quits --

lucked out and found an open crate for shipping engines, over in the J&I scrap box .. just about the right size to close in for a snug coop for the two promised EEs ... 3x4x4 .. run will be 6x5x4 ... with provisions for an extended temporary run, or I may use my old chickenwire chicken tractor

should be okay for them for the month of quarantine

got a gallon of white vinegar too, between that and a bleach solution wash, should have everything pretty sanitary

on another note -- today we rehomed Roxy the German shorthaired pointer -- her high energy and our lack of energy has been a mismatch for a long time, lately she has been grabbing food off the kitchen counters (bagged raw lentils ?? uncooked spaghetti ?? bag of mini chocolate bars ?? rock hard hoagie rolls ??) and burying them around the yard, then dragging them out days later and strewing them everywhere .. but not eating them !

I suspect she became terminally bored, nothing to do around here, she wasn't our CHOICE in the first place, we were basically fostering her for her original owner, who never got around to coming to retrieve her ... who's still in a no-pets apartment 3 years later ...

couple of gals who train dogs for service work, particularly sniffing dogs and search-and-rescue, will be working with her to see if she qualifies -- she's definitely a scent hound, helped our neighbor find her runaway poodle .. followed the scent trail .. she doesn't care who's on the other end of the leash, so several of us took turns while Roxy ran the pup to earth

we may be getting a chocolate lab to replace her ... waiting to hear
I am getting some odd shaped eggs from time to time. The one in the center is the plastic nest egg while the one on the left is an Orpington egg and the one on the right is an Easter Egger egg. I am obviously not hatching these so the shape does not matter but I am curious how chickens manage to lay such odd shaped eggs sometimes. I thought at first they were double yolks but when I crack them open there is only a single yolk. I had one egg that was a double yolk that was so big that I thought it was triplets. The winter hatched pullets that are starting to lay have been putting out small first eggs that look even smaller compared to the eggs I am getting from my hens!

Look a these:

and another:

And another:

Jersey Giant pullet's fart egg...her first egg !

This egg above, is some extreme issue from a leghorn hen, her first egg...weird, huh ?
Here is our newest mouse kitty, she was wandering around moms house for weeks before we brought her home. Her name is Venus, she's older and quite large!



And this is our old girl Inky, she was a rescue from a local farm, been the most amazing rat cat! She's getting pretty old but still a great hunter :)

Hi Bleenie,

For tape worms you'll need something other than Safeguard.  Here is some product and dosage information that may help you.

Fenbendazole/Safeguard/Panacur 10% paste -- for all [COLOR=FF0000]except tapeworms.[/COLOR]
Use a pea size amt., overdosing isn't a big worry so "pea size" isn't precise.  Half that for chick or bantam. Some it stuff inside a raspberry to make it appealing.   Repeat in 10 days.   Withdrawal 14 days after last treatment.  

Valbazen (active ingredient Albendazole)  Treats all types of worms.
It’s administered orally.   Dosage is 1/2cc for standard size and 1/4cc for smaller birds. Redose again in 10 days.  There's a 24 day withdrawal start to finish, thus 14 days after last treatment.  It's best administered to chickens using a syringe (without needle) for measurement purposes.   

Zimecterin GOLD  (ivermectin 1.55% / praziquantel 7.75%) paste  Treats worms including tapeworms.
Use a pea size amt. on a small piece of bread for each bird.  Half that for chick or bantam.  Repeat in 10 days.   Withdrawal 14 days after last treatment.  

Everything I read online about hat it treats said that it does treat tapeworms but just not effective for treating dipylidium caninum(flea tapeworms), but I didn't figure this would be a problem because those worms affect only canines and felines. I double checked on the Merck veterinary manual and it said nothing about those affecting birds. So would it still work for effectively treating what parasites a chicken would have?
Here is our newest mouse kitty, she was wandering around moms house for weeks before we brought her home. Her name is Venus, she's older and quite large!

And this is our old girl Inky, she was a rescue from a local farm, been the most amazing rat cat! She's getting pretty old but still a great hunter

Everything I read online about hat it treats said that it does treat tapeworms but just not effective for treating dipylidium caninum(flea tapeworms), but I didn't figure this would be a problem because those worms affect only canines and felines. I double checked on the Merck veterinary manual and it said nothing about those affecting birds. So would it still work for effectively treating what parasites a chicken would have?
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