Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

All quiet here thankfully, though I guess we are now in a flood watch.

Remember when you order from a hatchery, you get EE not Ameraucana chicks, unless it's one of the small hatcheries that sell pure bred birds, like Just Fowling Around. You'll probably notice they misspell it, usually with an i, but it's a dead giveaway. There's nothing wrong with EEs, but there's no guarantee on egg color, they're usually blueish green but can be ANYthing.
I guess I will just jump in here and introduce myself. I've been on BYC for a couple weeks and was just referred to this thread. I'm in Clark County. Grew up raising horses, we always had a few chickens and a few other animals roaming around 5 acres. I live in town now (although not in city limits) with my husband and 2 kids, we have 1/4 acre. I will be getting my first flock (of my adult life anyway) in February.

Howdy !

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