Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I sold 10 Bielefelders to a woman 4 days ago...and sold 9 to a gentleman 3 days ago.now I have 2 totally empty coops !
TWO EMPTY COOPS !!!!!!!!!!


But I have all the Exchequer Ameraucana growing up...so they will get one coop, and the goslings in the other until they are ready to go in the field.

I am getting 10 Toulouse (from a well known western hatchery ...
) and I only want 5 or 6...so anyone want to buy the rest let me know...they are $10 each and get BIG, so I do not expect alot of predators will get after the flock of them...pretty intimidating actually !

And great lawn mowers.

My goats have done a great job on the back paddock, and soon will get moved to another part of the 'compound' on which we live on this acerage

We have 2 acers downhill that is very wild, and 2 uphill that is pretty wild, and then 1 we actually live on...that is usually how it is.
I planted Russian Kale 2 years ago...it is very pretty actually, and could go in a flower bed !
It has wintered over twice now, and had little trouble with our 17 degree temps last winter !
It is about 4 foot tall now, a turquiset leaf color with ruby edging...and it is trying to flower again.
It just keeps on going !
Great to pick & derib for soups, stews, or even chips.

Chickens love it, if they could only get at it !
My 2 year old kale was killed by this past winter. Had to start some new ones. I prefer the texture and flavor of italian kale.
I have 12 dozen even lots of upheaval in the run silly large white puppy broke out of her crate in the
barn broke into the coop to play tag with birds although birds do not understand tag.. we thought we had white fuzzy secure in her
crate wrong the BF goes out to let the girls out silly white puppy is in the coop playing tag again..
bought new shock collar for 80 lb white puppy shaved her neck.

I do have lettuce ready to cut let grow... potatoes are spouting big time from bags..

allot of my seeds had not sprouted like beans and peas
I'm staying as far away from the beach this weekend as possible. Traffic going past today has been nuts.
I agree there and so much to do here at home theceltichorse is looking at driving down tomorrow
give me a hand fitting and how to charge a shock collar I ordered for the white dog

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