Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Dozen. They are just over a week. I put her and them out so I could take pictures. She tried to find a dust bath. I'll have to give her some ashes
Dozen. They are just over a week. I put her and them out so I could take pictures. She tried to find a dust bath. I'll have to give her some ashes
mine do them in my deep litter of the coop they dug down to the dirt floor
making wholes to bathe in as there ground is so wet they couldn't outside but for
mud bathes
Dozen. They are just over a week. I put her and them out so I could take pictures. She tried to find a dust bath. I'll have to give her some ashes

mine do them in my deep litter of the coop they dug down to the dirt floor
making wholes to bathe in as there ground is so wet they couldn't outside but for
mud bathes

I have her in the new coop. I have them locked into the top part. Bottom is just grass if she figures out how a ramp works
Quote: I have her in the new coop. I have them locked into the top part. Bottom is just grass if she figures out how a ramp works
my new coop is almost done have to wait to buy the metal sheets for the roof first of the month
we are also putting the red water barrel under the low side for rain runoff to keep birds in water
picked up a couple 2 Marans eggs and 4 Americana from a gal hoping to get one Marans cockerel
from the two Marcell is going to hatch them for me
OMG! I am so mad right now I can't even think straight. My neighbors did not take care of their chickens, let them run freely, never clean up after them etc. and people have complained. I have not complained thank you. But now I am told I must get rid of my chickens because if they have to get rid of theirs then all the chickens in the neighborhood have to go. That's like saying everybody has to get rid of their dogs because the two dogs across the street run free and bit somebody. I am so angry. I am going to fight this as much as I can.
OMG! I am so mad right now I can't even think straight. My neighbors did not take care of their chickens, let them run freely, never clean up after them etc. and people have complained. I have not complained thank you. But now I am told I must get rid of my chickens because if they have to get rid of theirs then all the chickens in the neighborhood have to go. That's like saying everybody has to get rid of their dogs because the two dogs across the street run free and bit somebody. I am so angry. I am going to fight this as much as I can.
I do believe you should fight this
OMG! I am so mad right now I can't even think straight. My neighbors did not take care of their chickens, let them run freely, never clean up after them etc. and people have complained. I have not complained thank you. But now I am told I must get rid of my chickens because if they have to get rid of theirs then all the chickens in the neighborhood have to go. That's like saying everybody has to get rid of their dogs because the two dogs across the street run free and bit somebody. I am so angry. I am going to fight this as much as I can.

Yes. Fight it. That's like punishing everyone on a block for animal cruelty because one person is a jerk
Yes, I just don't understand her reasoning. Hopefully we can talk about it this week and hash it out. But I am not giving up my chickens because my neighbors can't take care of their's.
I've got to reduce my flock size so that I can continue my breeding program. Anyone interested in 4 1-year-old Easter Eggers? Three lay shades of green and one lays blue.

Have they been vaccinated for anything? Are you NPIP? Are they true to type with beards, muffs, pea combs, slate legs, and laying true green (not muddy green or olive) eggs? I may be able to quarentine for 30 days before putting them under my rooster. How much are they?

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