Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I do think this may be my much wanted splash partridge cockerel. He still has to grow up more to be sure.

I keep hearing that everywhere. Colder but dryer for us this year. Might be a nice change. We bought a second heated watering dish for the chickens. If we are going to have cold weather, I don't want to spend the winter changing out waters all day. Somehow the clerk talked us into a large waterer for our small flock of 20 or so chickens. Well, they won't run out of water soon.
Last year invested in a 3 gallon one, but for me, it was very clumsy and awkward to fill and turn back over. Decided to just put the heater portion under the nipple bucket, and it worked out better. It also came with a 3 year warranty from TSC.
Ive never done supplemental heat. They've done fine even down to 8°. The silkies have successfully hatched and raised chicks around 20°. Taking them outside even.

Chickens make too much dust. I've seen too many news articles about coop fires.
Still have a no longer used panel heater. They don't seem to need it, however, the roo got a little comb frostbite last year.
Update: This morning I parked Ginger on her pad, and put her food dish under her head. She was able to eat on her own. Had her drink some, then off to church for a few hours. She seemed to be ok when I returned, but had scooted herself off the mat. Made her a sling, which she spent some time in, semi- upright. Decided this was bath day, and got her clean and deodorized. :DEpsom salt did a strange reaction with the castile soap, so there were little floating coagulation bits, but no problems rinsing. Blow dried, which took quite awhile. Noticed that her keel is very prominent, so more protein, right? Her poop is more solid. Had some tuna trimmings, so cooked it, chopped it up. She had a good amount, and her crop tonight is fuller than it's been since her injury.
She hasn't made many vocal sounds yet. Just a quiet chicken whisper, if you can imagine. Could her vocal chords be damaged, or could it be related to the nerve or muscle strain/ damage, or just the trauma?
Did you breed him yourself? He's adorable! 🥰

Yes. I bred the blue in years ago but didn't breed enough of them into the partridge. I'd actually thought I lost the blue gene when the few hens died until last year when some blue partridge chicks hatched. So one of the old hens is a very dark blue partridge and just never had blue chicks. I never had any blue partridge roosters hatch. Just hens.

I decided to just spread the blue gene out through my pens. That way there are a few blue partridge in each. A splash partridge will make that faster. Plus I really wanted to see what the color looks like on a silkie rooster.
Update: This morning I parked Ginger on her pad, and put her food dish under her head. She was able to eat on her own. Had her drink some, then off to church for a few hours. She seemed to be ok when I returned, but had scooted herself off the mat. Made her a sling, which she spent some time in, semi- upright. Decided this was bath day, and got her clean and deodorized. :DEpsom salt did a strange reaction with the castile soap, so there were little floating coagulation bits, but no problems rinsing. Blow dried, which took quite awhile. Noticed that her keel is very prominent, so more protein, right? Her poop is more solid. Had some tuna trimmings, so cooked it, chopped it up. She had a good amount, and her crop tonight is fuller than it's been since her injury.
She hasn't made many vocal sounds yet. Just a quiet chicken whisper, if you can imagine. Could her vocal chords be damaged, or could it be related to the nerve or muscle strain/ damage, or just the trauma?

She may be quiet because of trauma to the syrinx or maybe she's just happy you're taking care of her. I've had hens that were just quiet.

Prominent keel means more food needs to be eaten. Hard to eat when you're hurt. Even tubing them it can be hard to keep them in condition.

Sounds like you're taking good care of her.
Last year invested in a 3 gallon one, but for me, it was very clumsy and awkward to fill and turn back over. Decided to just put the heater portion under the nipple bucket, and it worked out better. It also came with a 3 year warranty from TSC.
What we bought was two pieces - the heater plate and then a large, prob 3 gal, watering can. It is galvanized steel and the top comes completely off for refilling. The inside portion has a handle on it for carrying it to the water source. I haven't filled myself yet DH has been doing it, but it looks pretty easy.

So many types of waterers. All work fine depending on your needs.

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