Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Yes. I bred the blue in years ago but didn't breed enough of them into the partridge. I'd actually thought I lost the blue gene when the few hens died until last year when some blue partridge chicks hatched. So one of the old hens is a very dark blue partridge and just never had blue chicks. I never had any blue partridge roosters hatch. Just hens.

I decided to just spread the blue gene out through my pens. That way there are a few blue partridge in each. A splash partridge will make that faster. Plus I really wanted to see what the color looks like on a silkie rooster.
Genetics are fascinating! Sounds like you have it down to a science. Please post photos when he matures.
I used to heat the coops, but haven't for a few years. I finally was convinced they don't need it here in WA. In fact, I read some posts about people in much colder climates who never heat their coops. That convinced me.
You are definitely colder over yonder. We're getting temps in the low mid 30's at night this coming week.
I just use rubber bowls in winter and break the ice out. Usually the chickens will all have pecked holes through any ice layer before I get there. If i really freezes, I can stomp the ice out.

Fill with warm water and it usually doesn't get any ice for the day.

Water for large fowl is inside their coop in winter so stays warmer. Silkie pens are wrapped with greenhouse plastic for winter and stay warmer.
I use home depot buckets they where cheap.
Never had one freeze. Do have flat cans with cup heaters to park the water on if I think they may freeze? Valerie lives South of me !
I know, but my little waterers (3 qt?) freeze all the time in the winter. Anyway, problem solved for this year. Should be warmer here than your place. Aren't you at the base of the mountain?
I’m in Mill Creek/Snohomish area by Glacier Peak High School with some backyard chickens and wondering if the Hawks migrate out of the area. We had a lot of hawk activity in October with hawks landing in the backyard and on the fence but not seeing any the last couple weeks. I’d been keeping the chickens in the run but was going to let them out during the day again.

I tied a search on hawks but hadn’t seen anything current or in the predictor thread. If I missed, please let me know.
I’m in Mill Creek/Snohomish area by Glacier Peak High School with some backyard chickens and wondering if the Hawks migrate out of the area. We had a lot of hawk activity in October with hawks landing in the backyard and on the fence but not seeing any the last couple weeks. I’d been keeping the chickens in the run but was going to let them out during the day again.

I tied a search on hawks but hadn’t seen anything current or in the predictor thread. If I missed, please let me know.
I think some hawks are migratory, and others stay around in the same area year round. Do you have owls around too?
I had to do some auto repair today. Found a lot of water under one of the back seats of my truck, and determined that the rear light seal (the light above the rear window) was leaking. Got it all sealed up now.

I had planned to rake up a bunch of leaves today and toss them into the chickens' run, but not now. I've worked enough for one day!

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