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how about coffee and cream
or milk chocolate
Just to clarify. When I mentioned a CERAMIC fixture I wasn't talking about a ceramic heat emitter. I am refering to the actual socket that the bulb screws into. Also I hang my lights using "jack chain" its the stuff you see shop lights on. It is easy to adjust the length but is very strong. Your best bet is to get lights at your feed store that are intended for this type of use.
Banquet & Swanson
Nugget & Foster
Blue (as in Cordon) and Parmesean (as in Chicken P)

Poor babies, I shouldn't talk like that....but that is where my brain goes.
Hannah & Sarah
Sugar and Spice
Peanut butter & Jelly
Jenny & Jan

These are a bit nicer.
Gosh, I feel dumb. All day yesterday, we were without internet... I kept turning the box off and on... and the computer also, still didn't connect. So I called TDS and they're sending me a new router (I do need a new one anyway, since ours is 5 years old). Well, this morning, still no internet... So I decided to see if maybe something disconnected it from the wall. I didn't check yesterday cause it's a huge deal and not likely since it's under my son's bed... well, lo and behold, I found the phone wire on the ground. It was disconnected from the router. Why didn't I notice it missing yesterday??? hehe, I'm such a dork. Oh well. We'll get a new box this week anyway and it'll be new and hopefully able to connect wirelessly to my son's DSi (nintendo thing). So anyway, now I'm catching up...
And do dust the sheild and bulb off periodically, they collect dust and that can ignite as well.
**Turn the unit off and dust with a flour sack towel or the like when the bulb is cool, blow the dust off...plug it back it*****
I hang mine with wire, and so I can properly aim it where I want that way too.

Hen update:
She is huddled.
She has jumped out of the coop and landed on her side and could not get up...and both roosters on her did not help

In any event, I will be gone today so she will either get better or not...and I am guessing not.
I really do not think her crop is plugged but maybe the gizzard...I am not doing surgery today.If she is still in a bad way tomorrow then maybe we operate.
How is T-His wet duck ?
How is La Sombra's hen with a sore leg ?
Hi pongoid,
Was just wondering what happened to you, yesterday. Is the family out here yet?

Don't worry about the hawks. Not likely to happen again.

Fingers crossed for your hen.

I had a light frost in low lying parts of the yard Saturday night. Brought in the last of the orchids, and hooked up a thermocube to the heat lamp in the mini green house. Never used one before. I hope it works. It'll be nice not to have to remember to turn the heat lamp on and off.

Oh No, Just crossed my mind that I hadn't seen you on BYC recently. It was my day of playing online. So I have to make up for it today- housework, yardwork, errands etc.

Sorry you are sick, get rest.

Hi everybody. I was examining my hens and making arrangements for winter in their coop (tightening perches, putting in new sawdust etc) this weekend. As I was checknig my Buff Orpington, I noticed she had MITES
on her rear! THANKFULLY I didn't integrate 4 new lavender pullets I got last weekend. Those are still at my house. Now I have to find someplace for the DE that I got two months ago but no one showed signs of mites. I am goign to do a thread search but I am planning to put the DE out in like a kiddie pool so they can bathe in it and hope that will take care of the mites. They were pale, peachey colored mites. Will the mites just die and fall off or do I have to Clorox the whole sheban including the nextboxes? We just put in new hay in the nestboxes (sigh). I wonder where the mites might have come from?
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