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I noticed some end of season sales on coops on Craig's List. Maybe I can convince hubby to let me have one for Christmas.


I am glad you said and not me. I sure wanted to say "Me too". I have to many hens as is and I sure don't need any roos. I don't have any room for a bigger coop either.
Go to this link.
Upper left top corner read all about Human and Pet use as well as how it works.
I think you'll then see that the product is money very well spent.

Thanks to whom ever it was that put up this link a while back as I had lost it.
First time I went to it wasn't to thrilled that shipping for the 10 pound bag was a tiny bit more than the product.
Then after going back to the link and educating myself I got over my shipping cost anger. LOL!
She's doing alright, I guess. I've just been feeding her medicated chick feed and giving water when I can. It's hard for the injured girls because they're not steady and tend to dump it out on accident
I wish I had a better setup than I've got. She sits with her leg out in front of her, instead of tucked under like normal. She doesn't like me trying to pick her up, but I like to take them out once in a while so they get exercise, but she flaps her wings, trying to get away from me. She's just scared... I guess only time will tell...
I am ordering white Houdan, White Dorkings and I'm not sure what else, yet...they have LOTS of birds. I learned my lesson last time I ordered from them, though...order as many of one as you can in hopes of getting a usable pair.

Me too....but there are some breeds that you can't get anywhere else so it's worth it for me to take the risk and then breed from that group to improve what I can and hope for the best.
I'd really wish I could give the White faced Whites another chance...but they were TERRIBLY flighty and egg-eaters....but so cool-looking...sighs...
I didn't realize you could put it in their food and water. I know that it says "food grade" but what would be the purpose of putting it in their food...what health benefits? I just thought it meant that it was okay if it accidentally was ingested.

DE can help with internal parasites.

Good stuff to know. What kind of ratio do I put it in the water or food? I can check the bag, if it says, but if it does not...what ratio?

I was wondering but inside bugs, this makes me feel beter that I can do this to help.
My husband is out there doing that right now. (He's not wearing a mask so he should be worm free soon

I am so upset. I always like the girls to be clean and well taken care of.
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Were also putting out a winter dust bath:

1 part DE (diatomaecous earth)
1 part wood ash (from wood stove, fireplace, or outdoor wood burn)
1 part sand
1 part road dust (fine dusty dirt)

Put 4" (bantams) to 6" (standards) in a kitty litter tray out where your chickens can dust bathe in it any time needed. Keep it dry & out of rain.
hi all its been a while. things are busy here at WSU. i get updates from the family about my chickens.... i am seriously wondering if it is possible to set up a webcam onthem?
i got to see some of my chicks grown up now. and some of the crossbreeds look nice. i think i will try improving (when i get time) having large leg feathered barred rocks. crossing them with my buff columbian roo is looking good. all he contributes is size and lf. barred coloring is good. the cross of the brahma/ milli is looking interesting. soem of them have turned into roo's i now have a beautiful white brahma roo. one of the andalusians went missing (one of the missing ones listed below) and the other turnedi nto a roo. the jerzy giant roo is huge, he keeps his space, is always curious and protective. but its still obvious that my bucc columbian roo is the head guy. so i am close to 10 roo's amonst my 70+ chickens with hens. and they all get along. so if anyone ever wants fertile eggs (possibly mutts sometimes pure) and get stuck with a roo, they dont fight and are nice and keep their space. mom dad and bf been taking care of chickens. and mom wants to get more in the spring. wants to get a partrige coshin. we had one.... i would like to get that bringsea incubator ($200) and actually have successful hatches of all my crosses. create the ultimate cool looking mutt that is good for this area. i love the speckled sussex. they and the andalusian have nice eyes, not like normal chicken eyes. lost the Acona rooster a while ago (listed as previous beheaded chicken) so i will have to find another roo of that breed. but brahmas are my favorite, females follow around all the time. i was hoping to try crossing brahma/ acona to see what would happen. i can only do is one way now. cos the roo of the acona was obvious by 2 weeks old. and matured so fast. i figured that could cancel out the slow growth of the brahmas. so looking forward to trying atleast a brahma roox acona hen and see what i get there...... so yeah fun.

anyways i went home a few weeks ago

a little while ago. a skunk crossed my moms path around lunch time. it saw her and started walking towards here. not to spray.
she went to get dad, and he shot it. it never tried to spray.
it must of been really sick or something, cos they are nighttime critters too.

that would explain the lack of blood around my dead beheaded chickens. (has had a problem with beheaded chickens)

but i have a new puzzle. family told me i lost 2 chickens. i went home the other weekend and i notice there are 4 missing. and 2 more have turned into roosters.

but the thing that buggs the hell out of me is. i had a trio of seabrights in a small chicken tractor with an apple bin as the solid housing part. with the smallest wiring.
i notice one of the hens is missing from there (they are too small to have with the rest of the flock.... the turkens try to kill them) and i look and it seems slike something pulled one out from under it!

so apparently my family and the hired help thinks its now the work of a weasle. nothing is caught in the traps yet.

that is the update.
sorry that my ramblings are a bit incorherent. just finished a biology exam (the second one) and yeah, tired.
I use DE too, but it can be very damaging so please be careful of breathing it in. Just an FYI, I have not found DE to be effective as a standalone product to eliminate mites once the population is large enough to be visibly apparent. I would recommend getting some pyrethrin based spray (you can use horse fly spray with pyrethrin/permethrin as well) to spray down and kill the current infestation, repeat every week for a couple weeks to get those that hatch after the initial treatment. Check your other birds thoroughly- often if one has mites others do as well.

Now, Stevenson:
Stevenson was wonderful! I shared a room with several other featherleg exhibitors and, as always, we had a blast. I did very well in the show, made champion row with my Dewlap Toulouse (champion goose) and got BB (white silkie cockerel) and RB (Black silkie pullet). Karen Larson had a gorgeous blue silkie pullet that I thought was the bees knees, as well as a very typey young buff. I was able to get a family of youth exhibitors and another Jr to promise to join the ASBC and come show in the spring.

I met some super nice people, and became closer with some other exhibitors I had only had brief conversations with before. Somehow I wrenched my back, and I don't think it was the massive geese either.

The lunch was, as always FANTASTIC and the potluck dinner was delish. I am hoping to see Gary Overton, Jim Adkins, Glenn See, or Eric Kutch judge the show in the future. The Stevenson venue is so beautiful, you just can't beat the scenery or the location. Love it!
Hi pongoid,
Was just wondering what happened to you, yesterday. Is the family out here yet?

Don't worry about the hawks. Not likely to happen again.

Fingers crossed for your hen.


Well, she past, but that is just the bad news, the good news, my flock of BBS marans is laying...2 fart eggs this morning !!!
I am also getting MONSTER eggs from my brahmas, very strange since they usually lay mediums...all the girls are coming out of a super duper moult, and the eggs are HUGE!!!
I have to do alot more studying up on the impacted crop thing, never had one before in all my years, and honestly I do not think she had an impacted crop, but could not bring myself to do a necropsy...it is done and over.
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