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Even if I was not sick...split pea soup...icko.....
I watched this on the news the other day. Wasn't there a third attack befor these two...but it did not get the media attention? Did they catch the dogs yet? We had a pack come through our property, here 10 years ago, killed all our chickens (most) and DH pet turkey. We staked the turkey out and waited. 1 shotgun shot (buck shot) killed 4 husky mixes and a stock tank. Later found out that they had been causing lots of trouble in the area - attacked a tied up dog and mauled it pretty good, getting into garbage, person and his little foo-foo dog got cornered by them when owner went to let little dog out to go potty (no one hurt). These dogs were not cornered when DH shot them. They stood their ground and growled at him. AND....they were nto willd or strarving. They had collars on (no tags) and were in good flesh. They were just out to kill. Dogs do this when they get running in packs.

I hope they find out whose dogs they aree (in Tum Tum) and charge them for all the damage - although I saw the little girls on the news taking care of the baby goats...how many of their pets were killed. What a horrible way to have to "learn about death". Those poor animals and those poor children.
This is very addictive isn't it...I am SOOOOOO in trouble.

lol Yeah, I had to promiss my husband that this would be the last hatch this spring. lol I probably will wait to hatch more until these juvenile Am's are laying. I have 24-30 eggs being shipped out tomorrow. So I think I'll be doing some stacking in my little eco 20.

Uh, oh. Me too. Orps. DH doesn't know. I am telling him that a local gave them to me.
wow, that surely is awful!!!
Maybe CR's paint ball gun marking system would rat out the dog's when they return to their owners.

They would wonder why Fido is covered in bright lime green paint in the morning ?

How is everyone and wanted to say my birds are slowing down on laying too!
I really think they think it is getting into fall or winter again!
OK, back to work, have vaccines to do today & maybe a feed run.
Bye for now~~
Do they think they're feral dogs or uncontained domestic dogs? In either case I hope they catch them.

Likliehood they are "fidos" from 1 or 2 or 3 different homes....owners let them out to "run" cuz they live in the country, ya' know....you should be able to let your dog run....WRONG!!!!!

The dogs pack up and cause problems. Years ago when I was a kid this very thing happened. At night, owners let the dogs out "to run" and they proceeded to spend 2 weeks (every night) hamstringing deer in our local herd. They would pull a doe down, chew her up....go on to the next. When they got tired of RUNNING they went home for their Alpo and a good day's sleep. At night, the process started all over again. Took having the Dept of Fish and Game coming out and shooting quite a few dogs. (don't remember all the gory details as I was a kid). It was winter and the deer fell through the crust on the snow....dogs were able to run on top. This "pack" ranged from big dogs to little dogs....they were out running.
No, I don't have any of the blood stop stuff. Plus I haven't gotten my nerve up yet. I need to have it up by tomorrow though! I can do this! I hope.

Kazander said they would do it if I bring the chick to Stevenson!

Ok, wait, I missed somethin'...what needs doing?

I have a chick with 2 toes that are fused together. Kazander told me how they did one of theirs with a razor but I want to have stypic on hand before I do it. So today I'm headed to Dels to get some. Just hope they have some "Nerve in a Can" too. My first chickie surgery.
Maybe you can use a "star" cookie cutter, make it really sharp & WAM! with a hammer. Someone else will have to hold the chick.
Poor Ch-uck...it just wants to be a duck.
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I have never posted on here...but darn, can I borrow your hubby for a while!?! I would even pay for the supplies, just to have someone to do that...awesome!!!
BTW...I don't know any of you besides Cloverleaf, but I will be in Stevenson with at least one of my sons on Saturday.

! I would send him on down but I am sure you might not like the colorful words he uses when something does not go right lol. This is the guy that says...we are NOT having chickens!!!! but sneaks out to try and pet them and talk chicken with them...
You're so funny! I told my DH that having ducks would be so fun and he said, "No they wouldn't." And I said, "Yes they would!" And he repeated, "No they wouldn't." He very rarely tells me no but I think that was he way of saying it without saying it!
I'll have to keep workin' on him!
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