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One thing I've learned: when it comes to livestock, no breed of dog is safe.

And since I left it out of my unawake blather above: we're dog people. I have, snoring and farting under my feet, a 14YO Border Collie/Austrailian Shepherd and his 13YO daughter, a Chesepeake Cow Retriever. Our dogs are trained to be useful and respectful of domesticated animals. Other people's, not so much.

I just believe whole heartedly that if you are going to have animals you have be responsible and do what it takes to keep them in your yard and from doing damage to others property. (which it sounds like you are a responsible pet owner) My chickens don't go into her yard, so I don't want her dog in mine. I did shoot it with a paintball gun in the butt once.
I think it went home with a big red splotch on it. I really would have a hard time hurting or killing it because I love all animals. I would upset me to no end and I would be extremely angry
with her for not tying her dog up. He jumps their cyclone fence by the way. Totally clears the thing. He is actually really sweet with people and was just chasing my girls from around the outside of the fence, having fun, he stops and comes when I call, not when she does though. But if he got in he would hurt them for sure, and come back more often. I am making the fence more secure but I hope I don't have to deal with him again.
You're so funny! I told my DH that having ducks would be so fun and he said, "No they wouldn't." And I said, "Yes they would!" And he repeated, "No they wouldn't." He very rarely tells me no but I think that was he way of saying it without saying it!
I'll have to keep workin' on him!

I think it was about 6-8 months ago that I first asked DH if we could get chickens and was answered with a firm "NO!". So, I would just casually bring up interesting things I was reading about chicken behaviors, raising them, different egg colors, etc. He would kind of listen, and from time to time say, "Why do you want chickens? You don't really want them do you?" Over months and weeks I continued my mostly one sided conversation which finally turned into a conversation about where he would like the coop and what size. Then he built it for me. Girls should be moving in this week as I'm just "dressing" the coop now with sand on the poop board, shavings, filling nest boxes, etc. I've learned a few things during 20 years of marriage. Mostly that DH is a big ol' softie.

And be careful around here these people are ALL enablers! Yes, I even include myself in that statement.

Watch out for anyone trying to teach you chicken math!
You're so funny! I told my DH that having ducks would be so fun and he said, "No they wouldn't." And I said, "Yes they would!" And he repeated, "No they wouldn't." He very rarely tells me no but I think that was he way of saying it without saying it!
I'll have to keep workin' on him!

I think it was about 6-8 months ago that I first asked DH if we could get chickens and was answered with a firm "NO!". So, I would just casually bring up interesting things I was reading about chicken behaviors, raising them, different egg colors, etc. He would kind of listen, and from time to time say, "Why do you want chickens? You don't really want them do you?" Over months and weeks I continued my mostly one sided conversation which finally turned into a conversation about where he would like the coop and what size. Then he built it for me. Girls should be moving in this week as I'm just "dressing" the coop now with sand on the poop board, shavings, filling nest boxes, etc. I've learned a few things during 20 years of marriage. Mostly that DH is a big ol' softie.

Yeah, mine too! He told me that I had to limit my chickens to three, I ended up with 5 the two years ago. This year I talked him into adding 3 more, I have four babies in the brooder!
He loves me soooo much! And I love the excuse of "It just followed me home, what else could I do?"
OMG!!!! I can hear the neighbor calling for her dog!!! I bet he jumped the fence again. darn! I am going to go see if he's here. APPLESAUSE!
Hi fellow hen lovers! We (me and my 10-year-old daughter and hens) in the Tri-Cities, which is in Southeast WA. We are in the City of Richland. We started our backyard chicken-raising a year ago and we love it!! We have been "winging" it (no pun intended) since we started. Please feel free to write.

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