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That poor thing....
Hi, I'm on the KP too. KPN as a matter of fact. I would tell you exactly where but we have a Chickenrustler among us and keeping my chooks safe. Welcome! Not sure about the profile picture, that was a while ago for me but I'll check on it. For chick pics you have to go to uploads. It's in the blue band at the top of the page. Once uploaded you right click on image under the picture and cut then paste to you post. Thats from memory so let me know if you have trouble or anyone else help out if I'm wrong.
Its my youngest 21st birthday today.... Are you all sitting down...... I asked him what he wanted to do gave him a lot of ideas and he just said go to dinner mom.. So I asked him where he wanted to have his first taste and he said he didnt care..

So we talked about it and he really doesnt care if he can drink. Im so proud of him

Now to just get him away from the comp games:he
Wow, hard to believe there is a 21 year old out there who hasn't had their 'first taste' before 21. It's was a losing battle with mine and I personally don't know any other parent who has been successful at it. Till now. Congratulations!
Kale becomes sweet when you give it a light stir fry...with olive oil, garlic, almond, salt. Doesn't taste as sweet raw.
A must have in asian noodles...especially good if you have a spicy Ramen type noodle.
I crack an egg and put a hand full of shreadded kale in my noodles. YUMMY.
Wow, hard to believe there is a 21 year old out there who hasn't had their 'first taste' before 21. It's was a losing battle with mine and I personally don't know any other parent who has been successful at it. Till now. Congratulations!

Thank you Im very proud of him. He's such a good boy ( he does have his time's) I think a lot of it is he was homeschooled and didnt have a lot of peer pressure to be cool. I tried to teach him to be him self and hold on to that. Plus most of his friends dont drink that I know of. Put I do have a older son and know they can hide it very easily...
wow, it's been a while since I last visited BYC!! So busy lately, but I'm here. LOL Just wanted to stop in and say "hi" My flock is still doing well, although I have lots of broodies right now. (grr) Hope everyone else is doing well around here!

Ya done good. Wish him happy birthday for me.

My younger son's 21st birthday was memorable. He was walking across the UW campus, and saw a man dousing himself with gasoline. My poor son was seconds too late to stop him. He actually had his hands on the guy when he set himself on fire. It was horrible.
Well, dh says the coop is nearly done! Just need to paint and finish wire on the run (it is all framed). So I will be looking for 3-4 pullets soon also, a week or two, I think. Hope to get them from someone on here so they are healthy and well-cared for (friendly). I probably can't be too picky about breed, but was looking for large brown eggs, so maybe Barred Rock or Wyandotte (I love the silver laced). I would like a variety, so the grandsons can tell them apart, and I just love old fashioned looking speckled hens, maybe with a RIR thrown in there too. And they can't be mean, since the grandsons are only 2 and 3 years old. Just a few sweet hens who will enjoy treats from the boys and lay eggs for them to collect and eat. Our coop is 8 x 10, with a covered run that is 10 x 12, so they will have a good home.

In the spring, we will get some chicks that the boys can enjoy watching as they grow. Then I will be more picky about breed and maybe get some Dominiques, and something fluffy, lol. Maybe even a silkie, although I know they have small white eggs, but they are so dang cute!
Great, I need to make phone calls today, just what I need.

Not so much, actually.

Oh, save me: somebody on the radio just said that if a cow eats chicken feed it'll kill them.

She's also got fifty pigs on five acres. How do they find these people and why do they give them air-time?
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