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What exactly does "Broody" mean?

Broody means that the hen actually wants to hatch the eggs, and will sit on them almost all day. She will be very insistent on it, too, and if you try and pick her up or move her, she won't move and will probably just raise her hackles at you or bite you. She'll do this for the 21 days it takes to hatch eggs, then you'll see babies running around. But usually I don't know of hens being broody that are less than a year old.
If she is only laying her eggs, she'll probably lay on them for a maximum 2 hours, and if you try and bother her she can easily be moved away.

I've got a broody blue orpington who's broody for the 2nd time. She won't be a year old 'till the end of May! She loves to brood, I guess
I have two chicks from her back in Dec/Jan and she's sitting on 3 eggs now, due on Easter! I couldn't resist putting a few eggs under her, considering her timing. Who can resist Easter chicks???

but yeah, a hen will go broody when she wants, not when you want...
Broody means that the hen actually wants to hatch the eggs, and will sit on them almost all day. She will be very insistent on it, too, and if you try and pick her up or move her, she won't move and will probably just raise her hackles at you or bite you. She'll do this for the 21 days it takes to hatch eggs, then you'll see babies running around. But usually I don't know of hens being broody that are less than a year old.
If she is only laying her eggs, she'll probably lay on them for a maximum 2 hours, and if you try and bother her she can easily be moved away.

I've got a broody blue orpington who's broody for the 2nd time. She won't be a year old 'till the end of May! She loves to brood, I guess
I have two chicks from her back in Dec/Jan and she's sitting on 3 eggs now, due on Easter! I couldn't resist putting a few eggs under her, considering her timing. Who can resist Easter chicks???

but yeah, a hen will go broody when she wants, not when you want...

I have a feeling mine will never go broody. . . I believe my Marans and Araucanas will, but not until they're old enough to understand the concept of an egg.
My phoenix has gone broody three times in the past 2 months. First time I tried to give her some eggs which she rejected, so the 2nd and third I just isolated her till it broke.

I can't imagine how ridiculous she's going to be when she reaches a year old in July then.
Wow there are a lot of us here! I'm in the Bonney Lake area. We haven't started our flock yet, but hope to this spring. I want to make sure that we have the coop ready before we get chicks, although I am quite tempted! I have been hoping to start out with a couple of Marans and a couple of Ameraucanas, I just love the colored eggs! Illia I love your profile pic! We actually go out to Neah Bay quite a bit, and I've been through Forks a few times. Any advice about starting with those two breeds? My goal is to have nice fresh eggs for the family. It's nice to know there is so much local support here. Thanks....oh and Hi everyone

I'd advise that if you're looking for Ameraucanas, look for the real thing and Not Easter Eggers. Of course, there is nothing wrong with them, they just have the possibility of giving any color of egg. Both Marans and Ameraucanas I'd actually point you to Cree Farm for. They have their own website, you can google it. Lisa Cree is a really great lady, and they have amazing stock! I currently have loads of Marans eggs due to hatch in 2 days, all from Cree Farm. My avatar is actually some Marans from them, and some Ameraucanas from Heidi in MI.

Any other advice. . . Not much, just usual chicken stuff. They're both pretty hardy to this area, both friendly, easy going birds. The only challenges are hatching and finding the right Marans and Ameraucana breeders. (especially Ameraucanas. . Feedstores, Hatcheries, and some "breeders" sell EE's and don't know or admit it) I'd say go with Cree Farm, but there are also other locals like Mike here in Snohomish. Just a note though, lots of Marans do not go for a cheap penny when sold as chicks.
We got ours in egg form, as the chicks go for $12 a piece. We do however also have four chicks from cowgirlgrace, nice stock she has. They're in Gig Harbor. Also, Cree Farm is in Seabeck. She usually meets up with you somewhere besides her home though.
WOW Rainplace! It sounds like you have been through the puddle and back! I am glad everything is turning out positively for you!
If I haven't found some black runners in the next month or so could I maybe get back with you and see how yours are doing? Hopefully I will! I am so anxious and already been on the hunt for a month! I've got a duck itch that needs to be scratched!!!
Hi StephC
Your close to use, we have Black Copper Marans we sell the eggs and chicks. We got our stock from a few places trying for the darkest egg and the nicest birds. Cree was one of the place's and also back east than in Texas and down in Calif. I love Marans they are such nice birds, we also have 4 true blue Ameraucanas they are very nice birds but we now need a Rooster for them I sold the rooster I did have with them last year when they where young..
Just a thought and Welcome to the group.
WOW Rainplace! It sounds like you have been through the puddle and back! I am glad everything is turning out positively for you!
If I haven't found some black runners in the next month or so could I maybe get back with you and see how yours are doing? Hopefully I will! I am so anxious and already been on the hunt for a month! I've got a duck itch that needs to be scratched!!!

Here are some of our runners:




or check out our website. You can click it from my signature

If you can't wait, I would call Holderread, they have great runners. If they have any left I would go in on an order with you.
Oh rainplace, what beautiful pictures!!Your critters are just simply gorgeous!! I want some so bad but I can't have them here where I live.I miss having ducks.They kept my yard slug free and they did such good job weeding in my garden and flower beds, and they didn't destroy my plants like my chickens did!Thank you for posting those pictures.
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