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Yes I did

I sampled before the photos

Its very different and kinda makes your tongue numb but makes you mellow and relaxed

Good. Sounds like your experience wasn't too extreme then. My family has a doctor friend who was sailing around the world with his wife on a sailboat. He would stay in various locations trading medical services for a place to stay, supplies, etc. In one of the villages he tried some of their Kava, but said at some point he had no recollection of getting back to his hut. He's not necessarily a heavy drinker, but he said their Kava was a pretty potent potable!

Looking forward to seeing more photos - sounds like a wonderful trip.

OK, explain how they make Kava??

I was under the assumption it is alot like our Coffee Liquour ? (Kaluah)
Kava is made from a root tuber I believe. They mash it in a big wooden bowl with water. It is NYasty stuff. Makes you numb.

So excited!!! Just ordered Serama hatching eggs from Castle Delights to be shipped on Jan 2nd!!!! In looking at our little flock of 6, we only have one yellow legged little hen. One of our roo's has black legs and one willow. So I went for some new blood. So excited!!!

I promised myself we wouldn't hatch until after the holidays, so these are first in the line up!!!
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That means we'll be getting more chick pics, right? Love those little Serama babies - well, all babies really. I've seen photos of Castle Delights Seramas - SO cute!
It's really hard to keep track of two kids in different grades with different skills and different problems; I feel as if every way my kids didn't succeed to the full extent of their abilities is because of something I did, or failed to do, or some way in which my limitations became their limitations. There was a lot of stuff we had to deal with together- anyone who hasn't tried to raise children without a driver's license in modern America may underestimate just how complicated that is, how much planning it takes- and sometimes schoolwork got pushed way to the back of the line. They've got BAs, both of them, and jobs, and stable relationships, and they don't hate me or my husband, so that's good, right?

Truth is that there's no way to make your kids succeed if they are not interested in succeeding, and no way to stop them if they are. And the person who figures out a way to unfailingly making young humans desire what is best for them will cure 9/10ths of human misery.

#1 son would do his high school homework with a tutor, and then not hand it in. Every teacher #2 son had sent notes saying he wasn't living up to his potential. At this point, both have found their niches and are doing well. Don't give up hope.

You've met my spawn: I think, at least, wherever they land, they'll be happy at what they do, and valued employees; that means a lot (and they got it from their, Dad and my mom, I'm sure).
Not a lot of us 'dry-siders' here. I'm in Yakima, Julie (pettec63) is in Outlook. I know she cannot take another rooster. Unless you wanted to trade one of yours for two of hers

I'm set for winter, wont be adding birds unless someone at Chehalis makes me an offer I cannot refuse.

I need a BLRW Roo -- but nobody tell DW.

That means we'll be getting more chick pics, right? Love those little Serama babies - well, all babies really. I've seen photos of Castle Delights Seramas - SO cute!

I will be selling some of Castle Delights Seramas soon
I have 13 4 month olds and 9 eggs under broody
Daily update on FIL.....

They took him completely off the sedatives and lowered the pain meds to try to get him more awake...it's working. According to the text I got from DH this morning, he is "awake and responding and answering our questions...moving good as well..."

I asked if they knew if he remembered anything, and they haven't asked. I think he is just responding / answering them by squeezing hands, etc,

What a fabulous birthday present for my DH!!!!!!!!!!!!
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