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Since I've had my little bantam eggs I've fallen in love with SUNNY SIDE UPS. I had never done them before, but they cool up really nicely.
but how does one REALLY DIVERSIFY??? AND house everyone?

Slowly?!? LOL!!! We started 6 yrs ago with an 8'x6' shed. We had our small flock of misc laying hens and a few bantams for the girls to show with in 4-H. Then one year we placed an order from McMurray, and ended up with 2 roosters. Well none of us wanted to get rid of the roosters at first, so my DH built a small 3x3 raised coop. Well, the roo's didn't get along in there very well, and one got really mean, so he ended up going down. Then we started using that small coop for a small flock of Japanese bantams my oldest DD wanted to try breeding with. Then last year, I convinced DH to build another coop building, using recycled pallets. It's about 20' long and 4' wide, and split in two, so it's really 2 coops. We had them all full last summer and over the winter with misc laying hens ordered from Mcmurray.

Then last fall, my oldest DD had to do an SAE (agricultural project for school) and her advisor wouldn't let her do chickens because they were not new to her, so we adopted a pair of muscovies. And they lived with the chickens until late winter, when we started downsizing our chicken flock, including most of our laying hens and the small japanese flock, because the girls and I each wanted to work on breeding chickens and we each chose new and different breeds for us. And we had always wanted ducks and have a little stream that we wanted to put them near, so that is where the new run is.

I'm not too worried about the number of eggs/chicks/birds right now, but check with me later this summer. My DH works with somebody who has a farm with lots of acreage and said he will take whatever we don't want from our hatches. And there's always craigslist. And the 4-H poultry list. Plenty of people to pass birds on too. The local feed store will take any extras too. All my muscovy ducklings to be, are already sold or spoken for.

Next year, the plan is to build another new shed, much larger, to be shared with a few pygmy or nigerian dwarf goats on one half, and a few more breeding pens for poultry on the other. We'll see though. It might be farther off than that, but you gotta have goals to make things happen!!​
So I put 8 bayhorsebonney eggs in the incubator tonight along with some of my nice darks eggs, I think most of this hatch will stay with me plus I have a hatch in a little over a week that have some of them staying here also. Oh ya have 6 banty Welsummers in a few weeks too. Oh my poor husband is going to kill me. No you cant have my chicks my two girl friends want them too

Wish I could have went to the show.

Geebs Nice hens, I have some of Crees from last year. We get eggs that dark too, only got one roo with them..

Heading to bed.
For you weird brown vs white egg people. . . I just set some WHITE eggs today in the incubator. I paid $163 for them too. . . Just a dozen eggs.

For the rest of you, . . . I finally put my Tolbunt Polish eggs in the bator!!
- 3 more weeks and I have some Tolbunt Polish chicks!!!! I also threw some of my own Polish eggs in there too, with a couple EE eggs just to try again. 3 tries already and I've never gotten a chick from my EE hen. . . Her eggs are so big I think the pores let anything in, and bingo. . . blood ring.
I am finally home.. and have a second to catch up on the board! wow it moves fast!!! There's like 3 or 4 pages to catch up with~ lol!

About the Stevenson show--Monica, Toni and Ondra---so very very cool to meet you guys!! Ondra ~~I love your little Seramas, they are beautiful.
The whole weekend was really fun--great friends--old and new, great weather, great birds..
Want pictures of the babies Monica! and Cindy-- it's about durn time you came to the COOOl board. lol!

We split our beehive yesterday afternoon--that was REALLY cool--who else just got bees??-- you will LOVE your hive... Candled the duck eggs in the incubator, and I think only 3 are still making it-out of 9. boo hoo. but the 8 under the silkies seem to be doing fine still, crossing fingers.... and the eggs my lil serama hen is sitting on(her own) are all doing great too!

Hope everyone has a fantabulous day!
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Can I join you guys here on the WA thread, I am in Portland so not exactly a Washingtonian. I loved the show this last weekend, and I am now thinking of joining the poultry club. I've got a couple frizzled bantam size Gold laced polish I think I might like to show, I know nothing about showing chickens..but you cant learn if you don't jump in and try. I only met one BYC'er at the show which was the gal at the Ameraucana table, but I wasn't around long enough to chit chat. I talked a little bit with the gal that had the serama's..what cute birds, it would be easy to fall in love with them. I think I'll read up on the polish standards and try for the next show.
My friend swears up and down that my biggest Silver Ameracuana is a roo... I can't tell either way, but the bird is very docile when I pick it up, just a couple months old and it doesn't take crap from any of the other 5. At 2-3 months old, can I tell???

If its a roo and crows too loud, it's gotta go.
Its the one on the far right in the pic. I'll get better ones tonight.


Laura1284- There are several; members from the Olympia area. kittymomma & chookchick among others.

Boost Junkie- Sorry I'm no good with gender ID, but my uneducated guess is hen. Good luck

Woods_Woman- Of course you are welcome here.

She is right, but he is an easter egger

to your greater knowledge. I read about all the gender questions and get totally confused unless the chickens are adults. What are you seeing that says HE? Or is it more subtle?

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