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Hi Everyone,

I'm new to BYC. I'm from Renton.

I'm looking for a golden sebright bantam hen and a serama hen (or they both can be at least 3 months old pullets). Please let me know if anybody has these chickens for sale. Thanks!
Welcome neighbor! Lots of peeps on this thread have nice Seramas. Not sure about the Sebrights but someone may know.
Okay, Seattlies, I'm on a 9:35am ferry to downtown to drop off a tricycle I sold. As of yesterday, I have a broody GLW. Anybody have any fun eggs they can part with this morning at the ferry dock (I'm walking over)? 

I know, longshot, but I figured I'd ask :)

Wish I could get there- I need to go to Seattle and have about four dozen fertile eggs (mostly Hamburg and EE but also eight BLRW) . However, Himself is still in bed and by all signs this will be a day of limited mobility and unlimited competitive whining.
People in Marysville..............

I suggest when these people start wanting to make rules you remind them to read the constitution.
If they had read it they'd know there should not be any rules for, or against chickens, or any other animal.

The constitution NEVER was intended for people to tell others how to live.

Now we know that statement won't change anything but I like to let so called officials to know that I know how this country was to be long ago when common sense was here in this country.

Common sense with communication dictated how we should live together.

I marked a few things in bold below because I find them to have comments that need to be addressed.

First one about coop being 100 feet from property line I suggest if that is what they want for chickens then that rule prohibits a whole lot of you from ever owning chickens.

It also tells me all of you with dog houses need to move your dog house back a 100 feet also. That's right.
Why does any other animal not have the same rule?

Anytime politicians want to change rules to make them better as they say I guarantee you if they do become better it is to EXERCISE more control in the long run.

Be careful of the small print saying they want to make things better.

Remember the Bold print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

Next part in bold talks about needing fences or your chickens can't free range. Really?
I suggest you ask those council members how many have dogs and cats? Oh you do?
How many have fences that keep those dogs and cats from leaving your yard?
Do your dogs bark?

Next bold part has to do with waste. Once again the uneducated people whom are CLUELESS about the best way to use chicken waste would know this idea of theirs does not allow you to obtain all the benifits of owning chickens.

Next part in bold talks about looking at other cities rules.
Hey I got an idea for Marysville council........... how about using your own brain and look at common sense. Read the constitution.
Just because other cities do something wrong does that mean you have to follow?

Maybe those council members should come to my property and weekly clean up all the dog waste from my neighbors dogs on my property eh?

See what happens when government sticks their head where it doesn't belong?

You have a problem with a neighbors animals you tell your husband to stop whining about it and to MAN UP and go talk to the neighbor in a respectful civil manor and get it worked out. I've read stories on this board over the years about quite a few so called men here who can't get off their butt to go talk to their neighbors.

More REGULATIONS is NOT what we need, what we need is more NEIGHBORS no matter MAN or WOMAN, COMMUNICATING with each other.

Years ago before these control freaks came into being, neighbors communicated and got things done.
Did it always work out for the best? Will it?
No, but there are also avenues like mediation that neighbors can use INSTEAD of going to court. Instead of more control freaks rules being enacted due to a few people complaining while their fluffy is on the back porch barking when a tree branch moves.

We can either learn to work with each other as neighbors should or we can continue to go down the road allowing others to tell us how to live our lives. The choice is yours.

One more item that needs to be said. All of you like myself whom lives in Unincorporated King County if you think you aren't going to be facing these types of rules some day I disagree.

They are coming.

All you have to do is watch the progression of the last twenty years of people whom have moved to the country bringing their city life with them.

Chicken owners may face new rules
Marysville is considering limits on the size of backyard flocks and other regulations.
By Amy Daybert, Herald Writer
Published: Saturday, June 9, 2012, 12:01 a.m.

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MARYSVILLE -- Better count your chickens.

Homeowners in Marysville may be limited to keeping a maximum of 12 chickens if their property is smaller than an acre. It's one of several limits the city is considering Monday for backyard chickens.

Marysville always has allowed people to keep chickens on their property. With that, city officials have gotten questions, especially since chicken-keeping is getting more popular.

"I think having your own eggs and chickens is kind of a growing trend," city administrator Gloria Hirashima said. "This seems to be something a lot of different communities are working on."

Right now, the only guidelines for chickens are that the pens and coops must be clean and set back 100 feet from the property lines. And there is no limit on how many chickens can be raised at a residence. The Marysville City Council could decide to add new requirements for chickens at a meeting 7 p.m. Monday at City Hall, 1049 State Ave.

Hirashima said the city has received more calls about chickens over the past couple of years. Some people wanted the setback to be shorter so that more property owners could keep chickens. When the idea came before the city's planning commission in March, commissioners felt there should be as few regulations as possible around the topic, Hirashima said.

A recommendation given to the council by the planning commission would set a maximum of 12 chickens kept on residential lots that are less than an acre. Shelters and other enclosures for chickens would need to remain in the back yard, be maintained in good condition and free of bad odors, and be located a minimum of 15 feet from property lines. Roosters would be prohibited on lots that are less than an acre.

Chickens can roam freely in back yards as long as there are fences to contain them. Chickens infected with diseases that are harmful to people must be removed. All waste must be kept in tightly covered fly-proof receptacles and disposed of at least once each week in a manner approved by an animal control officer.

The city of Lynnwood adopted an ordinance in March that had some similar rules for chicken keeping. The similarities include restricting chickens to back yards, prohibiting roosters and maintaining a 15-foot setback of coops and pens from neighboring property. Lynnwood allows up to five chickens on single-family properties.

City staff looked over regulations in other cities and found that the maximum number of chickens allowed on residential properties typically ranged between three and 12, Hirashima said.

People who want to keep chickens in their back yards do not need a license, but the rules should give the city the ability to investigate any complaints, Hirashima said. The new rules will let people who couldn't own chickens because of the setback requirements have them, and will help to bring others into compliance, she added.

"It's more permissive and should allow more people to legally have chickens in the city, but the Planning Commission and City Council didn't think that changing the rules would result in a huge influx of chickens," Hirashima said.

Amy Daybert: 425-339-3491; [email protected].
Okay, Seattlies, I'm on a 9:35am ferry to downtown to drop off a tricycle I sold. As of yesterday, I have a broody GLW. Anybody have any fun eggs they can part with this morning at the ferry dock (I'm walking over)?

I know, longshot, but I figured I'd ask :)

Wish I could get there- I need to go to Seattle and have about four dozen fertile eggs (mostly Hamburg and EE but also eight BLRW) . However, Himself is still in bed and by all signs this will be a day of limited mobility and unlimited competitive whining.


How soon do you need the eggs????


When are you going to Seattle????

I would be willing to meet Stumpfarmer in Seattle to pick up eggs. Then I could meet Judges4 at the ferry with them.
Whats in it for me??? LOL I wouldn't mind having a BLRW cockerel if ya have an extra one
Wish I could get there- I need to go to Seattle and have about four dozen fertile eggs (mostly Hamburg and EE but also eight BLRW) . However, Himself is still in bed and by all signs this will be a day of limited mobility and unlimited competitive whining.

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I would L O V E those eggs!

Here now but without a car.

Sigh. So goes my luck this weekend.

Okay, Seattlies, I'm on a 9:35am ferry to downtown to drop off a tricycle I sold. As of yesterday, I have a broody GLW. Anybody have any fun eggs they can part with this morning at the ferry dock (I'm walking over)? 

I know, longshot, but I figured I'd ask :)

Wish I could get there- I need to go to Seattle and have about four dozen fertile eggs (mostly Hamburg and EE but also eight BLRW) . However, Himself is still in bed and by all signs this will be a day of limited mobility and unlimited competitive whining.


 How soon do you need the eggs????


  When are you going to Seattle????

I would be willing to meet Stumpfarmer in Seattle to pick up eggs. Then I could meet Judges4 at the ferry with them.:yiipchick   Whats in it for me???   LOL  I wouldn't mind having a BLRW cockerel if ya  have an extra one  :thumbsup

Sorry, I've got no idea, it depends on money/health/when we can get tickets to the Tutankhamen exhibit, et'c. I will have hatching eggs all summer, though.
Ready for more cuteness?

Juno with her three chicks

The one in front is the Blue Copper Marans, the one in back is the mystery bantam #1 (guesses anyone?)

The feed store chicks are doing a much better job of listening to mama Juno now.

This is the mystery bantam #2. Any guesses?

This little Blue Marans is the bravest, youngest chick.

Mama brought them out for the first time today, so cute!

Hope you all have a good day!
Those are so very cute, I love momma's and their babies! Hey do you mind me asking what feed store you got your two bantoms from?
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