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Thank you to you and everyone else who offered their sympathies! It's been rough and I'm still so sad. I just got done having another good cry over her. We are still tyring to figure out what happened. I've gone all over the yard looking at our plants to see if any look toxic; I really need a good gardener who knows chicken-dangerous plants to come over and check out my yard because we have tons of berries and plants that could easily kill a chicken I think
I just don't know which ones to tear out. DH also had his deer target in the backyard; come to find out they've been eating pieces off of it; it's like a colored foam type full size deer target. I guess if she downed enough of that stinkin' deer that could have plugged her up or poisoned her.

Just to let you all know (for those who've asked), all my other birds are completely healthy including the 2 new arrivals from Honey last Monday. I let them out for one hour last night while I babysat them, but didn't allow them across the creek to the bee area, or the garden where there's some new blooming plants. DH and I are planning to get the whole mess of the backyard cleaned up next Saturday (move all the crap to the gate side/driveway side), and the next weekend we'll make a dump run with it all. That should put my mind at ease a bit more too, since there's a lot of crap back there that is potentially dangerous to kids/chickens.

This description lends me to think of injury and not illness. Whjy? All your other birds are completely healthy. When ever one of my chickens is eating something, others instantly go see what that is and try to steal it. So to me, if one of my birds got into some type of poison, others would have as well. It is only injuries that are limited to one bird.

Just my opinion.
Similar to this? I found this X-pen for half price at Petsmart one day and then purchased the top separately a few months ago. This stakes nicely into the ground, the cover clips onto the top nicely and then when needed I can take off the top which folds in half and collapse and fold the whole pen so it stores easily. I clipped an old sheet to the top this summer, but have purchased a tarp to replace the sheet.

There's a swinging door on front, the top lifts up and off as needed. It's pretty darn convenient.

I like this for the babies before they go outside permanently or if I bring home someone new since I can put the pen anywhere I want for fresh air, introductions, etc. No one ever stays outside in it overnight, but I think it work well as a "tractor" for the front yard since I can fold it up to move or store as needed.

This is my two youngest Silkies who are currently enjoying some time outside now. DH and I bring them in every evening. Sometimes the Seramas are out there, sometimes it's my new Silkie girl I picked up from Catdance a couple of weeks ago. They take turns. Some have gotten so used to the routine now that when I open the little door, they stand and wait for me to pick them up and bring them in. We all get a little cuddle time then...

Hah! Yes - just like that, perfect!

I have a big quarantine cage...not at all portable.

How sweet that your girls enjoy cuddle time =) Only my brabanters and bantams enjoy cuddling - everyone else just puts up with it LOL
Hi, New to the forum as well.
I have 5 kids, 13 chickens and live in Spanaway. we recently put the coop up and got chickens. I enjoy them so much. they are so much fun
All together now i have 9 americana Including 1 black and white americana and a mix, 1 RIR, and 2 black copper maran.

Welcome on board!!! This thread can be daunting, as people pipe in at all hours of the day and night, so its hard to keep up. Don't be intimidated...just ride the wave, and chime in whenever you can. If you post a question you'll get LOTS of help, and maybe a little heckling from Chicken Rustler.

Hi, New to the forum as well.
I have 5 kids, 13 chickens and live in Spanaway. we recently put the coop up and got chickens. I enjoy them so much. they are so much fun
All together now i have 9 americana Including 1 black and white americana and a mix, 1 RIR, and 2 black copper maran.
Dave - the more I think about it, the more I think you're right. Could she have been dropped by a hawk? That would cause some pretty severe internal injuries right?
My white Leghorn is limping. She is sitting a lot, still eating and drinking like normal. When standing she holds her leg up. No visible injuries or sores, no redness, no black spot on the bottom. Do I just wait and see if she gets any better? She was not limping yesterday, and I don't *think* she was limping this morning. I saw her around noon'ish and I noticed she was acting strange, but I couldn't investigate right then. Help! She's my favorite hen!
DH has been working on a big project in the bed next to our driveway. He's been tearing out this really overgrown ground cover and tossing it in the yard waste bin for the past 2 weeks. I need some knowledgeable garden folks to identify this ground cover for me. When it blooms it has tiny light purple flowers.
I think several people have mentioned periwinkle, I have some too, here is the flower which blooms in spring:

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