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I ended up placing my order for the heated dog dish. For a brief time, the price jumped up to $30.00. Then it went back down to $23.22. I wonder if Amazon is beginning to look at the winter items and changing pricing. I'm not sure how Amazon handles pricing.

Here's the heated dish if anyone else is interested in trying to get one at a lower price. Hopefully it will stay low for a while. Heated dishes were expensive at Reber Ranch. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000Y8GQ56/ref=ox_ya_os_product

Would it work to put a Kane heat mat (pig blanket, they are sometimes called) in my coop under the waterer? I've got an old one I used to use in a reptile cage. Do you keep water in the coop and the pen?

I ended up placing my order for the heated dog dish. For a brief time, the price jumped up to $30.00. Then it went back down to $23.22. I wonder if Amazon is beginning to look at the winter items and changing pricing. I'm not sure how Amazon handles pricing.

Here's the heated dish if anyone else is interested in trying to get one at a lower price. Hopefully it will stay low for a while. Heated dishes were expensive at Reber Ranch. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000Y8GQ56/ref=ox_ya_os_product
The time to look for heated dog dishes is in the spring. I got my thirty something dollar one for $7.
Do we need heated water dishes in Seattle?? Or is it a "just in case" thing...?

I've also been wondering this. We get very few days or nights below freezing here, but I don't know if I'd just be better off getting that heated dish and using it each winter regardless, so I don't have to worry about it. I certainly want to make my own life with chickens easier.
We hit 25 last night. The silkie mama wouldn't let her chicks out this morning until it warmed.

ETA. I did have to break a skin of ice off the 2 gallon water bowls this morning for the chickens. The 5 gallon poultry waterer in with the silkies and chicks was fine though.
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Ok, Thanks! He is almost 10 months old
I was wondering the same thing about my Silky boy. I can't wait til my 4wk'ers are old enough to snuggle with him!

I ended up placing my order for the heated dog dish. For a brief time, the price jumped up to $30.00. Then it went back down to $23.22. I wonder if Amazon is beginning to look at the winter items and changing pricing. I'm not sure how Amazon handles pricing.

Here's the heated dish if anyone else is interested in trying to get one at a lower price. Hopefully it will stay low for a while. Heated dishes were expensive at Reber Ranch. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000Y8GQ56/ref=ox_ya_os_product
Can't remember where I found it but I got an idea from somewhere on how to make a water heater (I have a 3 gallon plastic free standing waterer, b.t.w.). You take an empty cookie tin and cut a small hole in the side of it, attach a light socket kit so that the bulb screws in on the inside of the tin and put the lid back on. Plug in the cord and set the waterer on top. It worked great last year. I don't remember the exact wattage I used but it's no more than 60w. It gets colder over here so near most of you I'm sure 40w would be plenty.
For those whom are now hatching and still new to this.....






http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog/4h/4-H1500theincredibleegg.pdf 4-h for kids about the eggs

http://repository.tamu.edu/bitstream/handle/1969.1/87721/pdf_614.pdf Hatching for teachers

http://umaine.edu/publications/2072e/ good problem solving section


http://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/embryology/ 4-h info

Hope this helps!

if you are having issues maintaining humidity in the lg... maybe try and plug one of the vents and leave the other open?
I've not used LG's but the HB's I've had I just ran them with no vent plugs 90% of the time.... but when its dry like now I would have to put one of the plugs back in to keep humidity.....
I now use a redwood cabinet incubator :D need to get it started soon but with lawyers/court and a nasty cold hanging on i've not had time... oh and trying to build the back porch before it starts raining. :rolleyes:
I'm so happy tonight! Our cat Sasuke went missing when we did our major backyard renovations...he was the only one I couldn't track down and put inside while we were working, and I hoped that it was just a matter of all the noise and change freaking him out and he'd come home after the dust settled. He's fixed and usually isn't gone more than a couple of hours at a time, just long enough to bring me dead vermin presents.. After a couple days, I asked the neighbors (the whole block knows our cats, they're the best ratters around), posters went up, craigslist ads posted, talked to the Humane Society (he's microchipped, so they assured me everyone gets scanned when they come in and we'd get a call if he turned up there), but no leads, no bodies in the road, nothing. It's been two weeks to the day since he took off, and now he's home! I was sitting here browsing and heard a little meow at the window, and he jumped in like it was no big deal. He's definitely lost some weight, but no signs of injury or illness...just a hungry kitty glad to be getting some love. Life is so good right now.

aquarium water heaters work if you have the bucket waterers.... just keeps it warm enough not to freeze.

and yes we do have a issue here in seattle when it gets cold. but our cold is off/on all winter so sometimes you don't need it sometimes you do..
just easier to plan of freezing water before it gets to that point.

for those with just a couple birds or small flock it is easy to change waterers through out the day... but my big 7 gallon waterer would be a pain in the backside!
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