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Blackie says "Hey mom, shall I engage them in a game of duck, duck, goose?" which translates to mean shall I peck everyone on the head and run?

"Dude! Check it out... someone took a turd!"

Yup. Twins seem to run in this family. First came the human form, now there's the chick form. This time, mom doesn't know who is who. Hopefully the kids can figure it out.

Love the pics! And the commentary!!
I hopefully have a solution for 1 too many roosters and an over bloated layer flock! I absorbed some hens last year when my friend Margo moved to Canada and at the same time hatched out a Marans rooster that is just not fitting in with the rest of the flock. I also changed jobs and am no longer working with the lady who has been buying all of my excess eggs. I can get some to her occasionally but not on the regular basis that I was able to do before. The new hens are mixed breed and hatchery stock, they are perfectly good hens, Good layers. I saved them from being picked off by a bobcat. They did cause some upset in the pecking order and I find that we don't have a lot of attachment to them as we didn't raise them from chicks.

I found a guy who is looking for a flock of chickens for his newly built chicken coop on some acreage. I have offered him 5 hens and my extra rooster. He thinks I am an angel.
I feel like I am an enabler.
I just know that I am feeding a whole bunch of chickens and I really want to be able to focus on my Cream Legbars.
I hopefully have a solution for 1 too many roosters and an over bloated layer flock! I absorbed some hens last year when my friend Margo moved to Canada and at the same time hatched out a Marans rooster that is just not fitting in with the rest of the flock. I also changed jobs and am no longer working with the lady who has been buying all of my excess eggs. I can get some to her occasionally but not on the regular basis that I was able to do before. The new hens are mixed breed and hatchery stock, they are perfectly good hens, Good layers. I saved them from being picked off by a bobcat. They did cause some upset in the pecking order and I find that we don't have a lot of attachment to them as we didn't raise them from chicks.

I found a guy who is looking for a flock of chickens for his newly built chicken coop on some acreage. I have offered him 5 hens and my extra rooster. He thinks I am an angel.
I feel like I am an enabler.
I just know that I am feeding a whole bunch of chickens and I really want to be able to focus on my Cream Legbars.

Oh, that's so sweet of you!

Oh, you terrible "enabler"!

Good Job!
Right now it is. I wasn't sure how quick it would grow in on the other one. It hatched a good 12 hours after the one on the left. The white spots on top of their head are slightly different... but not much, and the spots are looking more similar today.

I love the name Cocoa. I'm going to talk to the kids tonight about that one. I don't like the names "Chirpy" "Fuzzy" or "Softie" (I think that's what the names were - they were something similar to that).

I think the name "Blacky" is going to have to stick... I'm going to suggest a spelling change though. My youngest son - who has been begging for a black chicken has claimed the black one as his own. He's not budging on a name change, either. This morning I went to the garage to start laundry and this was taped to the garage door - at MY eye level, not his. LOL! Notice how he's even making sure I sound it out correctly by writing (Black-E). He can't handle it when someone calls something a nickname and he knows I use nicknames frequently. For example, he gets very upset if I refer to Wal Mart as Wally World, etc.

The black kitten I got when I was 4 we named Sooty.
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