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I hopefully have a solution for 1 too many roosters and an over bloated layer flock! I absorbed some hens last year when my friend Margo moved to Canada and at the same time hatched out a Marans rooster that is just not fitting in with the rest of the flock. I also changed jobs and am no longer working with the lady who has been buying all of my excess eggs. I can get some to her occasionally but not on the regular basis that I was able to do before. The new hens are mixed breed and hatchery stock, they are perfectly good hens, Good layers. I saved them from being picked off by a bobcat. They did cause some upset in the pecking order and I find that we don't have a lot of attachment to them as we didn't raise them from chicks.

I found a guy who is looking for a flock of chickens for his newly built chicken coop on some acreage. I have offered him 5 hens and my extra rooster. He thinks I am an angel.
I feel like I am an enabler.
I just know that I am feeding a whole bunch of chickens and I really want to be able to focus on my Cream Legbars.
That's a win/win.
HI! I've been gone a while dealing with a sick family member. But finally have time to check in to the WA board:)

I have a question. I live on the 'west side'. For those who are lighting their coops in morning, what is a good time to start? I hear some say 14 hours of light is a must. But have also read that long isn't necessary. What has been your guys experience????


The hens need 14 hrs.
Hi all, my husband I just moved to Kettle Falls, WA (Northeast) and we're looking for a homestead so that we can raise chickens (among other self sustainable ventures). If anyone is in the area, please get in touch. I don't know many people yet and I would love to find a community here!
What kind do you raise?

I'm starting to get the bug to get back into discus but only one tank this time. until I get a pair.
I love using the water I change out on plants. Big difference in growth.
Back when we had a goldfish, I watered the gardenia from it every week. The gardenia was magnificent.

I use my dirty goldfish tank water on my flower garden, as well. I haven't yet used it on food... I don't know if fish tank water would cause problems on edibles or not. Anyone here know?

I just read through that deep litter article - it sounds like if you remove litter, you NEVER remove too much of it or it messes up the cycle. It does sound a lot like fish care - like how you never remove more than 10% - 20% of your tank water at a given time. I'd still be too nervous to try the deep litter method until I understood it better. But, that's just me. When I lost one of our free feeder goldfish a couple of days after we got it, it was not that big of a deal (although my kids were very upset). I'd be very sad if I lost a chicken because of it though, especially since the way I keep them right now seems to work very well.
Quote: There was a time I had a suit for every day of the week, a couple were tailor made for me. Then I wore a uniform and even had that tailored to fit me. Then one day I said enough. Got rid of the suits, the ties and the "dress" shoes. Never looked back and became much happier person. Today as in my youth I still prefer jeans and flannel shirts or jeans and a T-shirt. I guess it's true, what goes around, comes around.
Hi all, my husband I just moved to Kettle Falls, WA (Northeast) and we're looking for a homestead so that we can raise chickens (among other self sustainable ventures). If anyone is in the area, please get in touch. I don't know many people yet and I would love to find a community here!


I'm not from Kettle Falls, but I did want to welcome you to the forum.
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