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Discus fish if you want the best growth and health get their water changed 100%.
Some do it every day.
I just couldn't do that. LOL!
I did do 100% changes though every three days or 80% change every day.
Or 50% every day.
Didn't really have a routine it depended on how tired I was.
When I raise discus again it won't be that intense type of care.

I had many tanks going with three Rubbermaid garbage cans with air blowing in them to get any chlorine etc out of the water before changes along with a lot of filters in tanks.

Here is some pictures of my old set up. The rewards were great but the work was to much after so many years doing it by myself so I took a break.

If you are going to start raising discus remember this.......

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


Their spawning cone..................







My fish room pictures on another computer. All I got on Photobucket is fish pictures and the start of the water process.

How I got my water into the fish room......................


Some of these links may not work anymore but if anyone wants to raise Discus this is a collection of links I put together long time ago...........

Simply Discus Recources........

Water education links...........

Medications and treatments.........

Disease pictures........

Water Storage Barrels


Breeding Cones

Tank Racks

Tank Size Calculators............

This one includes measurement for dosing meds. Very cool!

Pump distance, etc...............

Food sources.........

Beef Heart Recipes

Shipping your fish......

Make your own sponge filter.........

Plant info in general........

Plant Suppliers...........
Oooooh, purdy.
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SO VERY COOL! (since everything turned out well). TWO beautiful bald eagles just flew over my back yard below the tree line of my next door neighbor's maple tree. They looked like they were coming down but went back up when I called for my husband to come see them. Oh my gosh - that was the most awesome sight I've ever seen in my urban neighborhood.

Thankfully, I had just put the girls away from a day of unsupervised free-ranging. Rhodie and Drama escaped the back yard through a piece of fence that fell this weekend. I didn't know it had come down in the wind. Another neighbor called and said she saw them walk across the Cul-de-Sac and were free-ranging in another neighbor's front yard. So, DH and I went to get them, put them in "time out" in the run, and I went back over to clean up chicken poo from the Cul-de-Sac. I had just walked back into my back yard when I heard the bald eagles talking to each other above my neighbor's yard, next to their Maple tree and watched them come down toward me.

Makes me wonder if the bird that attempted to pick up Drama that day may have been a juvenile Bald Eagle. It did not look like any picture of a hawk that we were ever able to find. I'm off to look for pictures of juvenile Bald Eagles...

Oh my gosh - I am so excited about what I saw!
Granted - if it had turned out badly, I'd probably be on here crying.
Discus fish if you want the best growth and health get their water changed 100%.
Some do it every day.
I just couldn't do that. LOL!
I did do 100% changes though every three days or 80% change every day.
Or 50% every day.
Didn't really have a routine it depended on how tired I was.
When I raise discus again it won't be that intense type of care.

I had many tanks going with three Rubbermaid garbage cans with air blowing in them to get any chlorine etc out of the water before changes along with a lot of filters in tanks.

Wow! That's an insane amount of work! I could never keep up on that. And, it's bad enough having bottles of water sitting around to let the chlorine evaporate. Garbage cans full? No way. Wouldn't, couldn't do that. LOL!
SO VERY COOL! (since everything turned out well). TWO beautiful bald eagles just flew over my back yard below the tree line of my next door neighbor's maple tree. They looked like they were coming down but went back up when I called for my husband to come see them. Oh my gosh - that was the most awesome sight I've ever seen in my urban neighborhood.

Thankfully, I had just put the girls away from a day of unsupervised free-ranging. Rhodie and Drama escaped the back yard through a piece of fence that fell this weekend. I didn't know it had come down in the wind. Another neighbor called and said she saw them walk across the Cul-de-Sac and were free-ranging in another neighbor's front yard. So, DH and I went to get them, put them in "time out" in the run, and I went back over to clean up chicken poo from the Cul-de-Sac. I had just walked back into my back yard when I heard the bald eagles talking to each other above my neighbor's yard, next to their Maple tree and watched them come down toward me.

Makes me wonder if the bird that attempted to pick up Drama that day may have been a juvenile Bald Eagle. It did not look like any picture of a hawk that we were ever able to find. I'm off to look for pictures of juvenile Bald Eagles...

Oh my gosh - I am so excited about what I saw!
Granted - if it had turned out badly, I'd probably be on here crying.
as you prob know, juvies don't have white feathers on their head. Not until about 5 years of age as I understand it.?
They are grand birds. I have seen them above my house; soaring above the Snake River; Sailing above trees on I 70 when crossing the Rockies in my truck. The best was seeing one sitting on a large ice-floe floating down the Mississippi, that was quite a sight. Always, always never a camera at hand.
These two were not juvies - they had white heads and white tails. They were huge. And so cool. We live on a cliff, and we see them flying (usually alone) over us in the valley or very high overhead - but never this close. A neighbor says he's seen them nesting in a tree across the street (cliff edge), but this is the first time I've seen them this close.

I looked up the juvenile eagle - I still think the bird that tried to pick up Drama a while back was an owl. The stripes on that bird were very distinct. DH thinks it was a hawk, but I can't find a hawk picture that remotely looks close to the feather pattern of that big bird. It had very distinct striping.
Discus fish if you want the best growth and health get their water changed 100%.
Some do it every day.
I just couldn't do that. LOL!
I did do 100% changes though every three days or 80% change every day.
Or 50% every day.
Didn't really have a routine it depended on how tired I was.
When I raise discus again it won't be that intense type of care.

I had many tanks going with three Rubbermaid garbage cans with air blowing in them to get any chlorine etc out of the water before changes along with a lot of filters in tanks.

Here is some pictures of my old set up. The rewards were great but the work was to much after so many years doing it by myself so I took a break.

If you are going to start raising discus remember this.......

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


Their spawning cone..................







Absolutely gorgeous! I'm impressed by anyone that can keep those guys without stunting or otherwise having issues with them...I considered discus at one point, but, after the research, decided I wasn't quite mad enough to take them on...I get so busy with school that I'd have to kick myself if I ruined such beautiful (and expensive!) fish by not being able to keep up on the water changes. As it is, I change roughly 50%-75% out of my tanks once or twice a month as I get the time. I'm on my way out right now, but I'll try later to get some pics of my set-ups.

SO VERY COOL! (since everything turned out well). TWO beautiful bald eagles just flew over my back yard below the tree line of my next door neighbor's maple tree. They looked like they were coming down but went back up when I called for my husband to come see them. Oh my gosh - that was the most awesome sight I've ever seen in my urban neighborhood.

Thankfully, I had just put the girls away from a day of unsupervised free-ranging. Rhodie and Drama escaped the back yard through a piece of fence that fell this weekend. I didn't know it had come down in the wind. Another neighbor called and said she saw them walk across the Cul-de-Sac and were free-ranging in another neighbor's front yard. So, DH and I went to get them, put them in "time out" in the run, and I went back over to clean up chicken poo from the Cul-de-Sac. I had just walked back into my back yard when I heard the bald eagles talking to each other above my neighbor's yard, next to their Maple tree and watched them come down toward me.

Makes me wonder if the bird that attempted to pick up Drama that day may have been a juvenile Bald Eagle. It did not look like any picture of a hawk that we were ever able to find. I'm off to look for pictures of juvenile Bald Eagles...

Oh my gosh - I am so excited about what I saw!
Granted - if it had turned out badly, I'd probably be on here crying.

So awesome! Bald eagles are so graceful, I always get a thrill when I see one live.
SO VERY COOL! (since everything turned out well). TWO beautiful bald eagles just flew over my back yard below the tree line of my next door neighbor's maple tree. They looked like they were coming down but went back up when I called for my husband to come see them. Oh my gosh - that was the most awesome sight I've ever seen in my urban neighborhood.

Thankfully, I had just put the girls away from a day of unsupervised free-ranging. Rhodie and Drama escaped the back yard through a piece of fence that fell this weekend. I didn't know it had come down in the wind. Another neighbor called and said she saw them walk across the Cul-de-Sac and were free-ranging in another neighbor's front yard. So, DH and I went to get them, put them in "time out" in the run, and I went back over to clean up chicken poo from the Cul-de-Sac. I had just walked back into my back yard when I heard the bald eagles talking to each other above my neighbor's yard, next to their Maple tree and watched them come down toward me.

Makes me wonder if the bird that attempted to pick up Drama that day may have been a juvenile Bald Eagle. It did not look like any picture of a hawk that we were ever able to find. I'm off to look for pictures of juvenile Bald Eagles...

Oh my gosh - I am so excited about what I saw!
Granted - if it had turned out badly, I'd probably be on here crying.
One big difference is that a hawk will be light on the under side while an Eagle is dark.
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