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I'll have Black Copper Marans Chicks in a few weeks maybe even a few by the end of this weekend going to have a hatch in a couple of days. Also if you want some color I have two Olive Egger chicks.

Oh my gosh it was cold this morning but looks nice and sunny now.
@unemployed - I won the auction yesterday and am super excited to start my first flock with your two birds. I'm hoping to be able to pick the birds up this weekend? This could also give us a chance to visit our family and friends out in Enumclaw where we are originally from! Shoot me a message! We are looking forward to the hens!

Steven M Nielson
I would love one of your chicks! I lost all but 2 of my chickens last year to the neighbors dog, so I'm just about ready to start with new chicks. Kind of bitter sweet, chicks are fun but I want MY chickens back.
So true my dear. You can buy white eggs at the store. BUT how OLD do you think they are
NOT as FRESH as the four I got out my coop yesterday

BTW you can also buy BROWN eggs at the store. Usually they are right next to the white ones

My whites eggs are usually a little BIGGER then the brown eggs I get

White Leghorns add color to your flock. My White leghorns lay an egg almost every day...I only have one that I am having troubles with! My white eggs are a little bigger than my brown ones. White and Brown eggs taste the same
My white chickens eat HALF the feed that my other breeds do (RIR, BR, and Golden Sexlink).

Suggestions for your run.... We have 3 coyotes, 2 bobcats, and 2 bald eagles that we know of in our neighborhood. We have had them visit us a couple times. This is what I did with my run... I used welded 2x4" wire 5 ft high with about a foot in the ground. Then I came out 1 1/2 ft from the bottom of the wire and dug down a foot and laid 2" chicken wire and covered that up (so nothing could dig under). I have a strand of electric fence 10" off the ground, 10" from the top, and one in the middle all the way around my run. If you are going to use electric fence charger/controller, I recomend using a 15 mile or higher charger. I got my information from the a rep at the Red Snapper factory. He says you need one this big to get the attention of a coyote or bobcat. After hitting it once, they won't be back! The only chicken I have lost was when it was free ranging and I was in the house.

Not to gross you out, but Human urine spread out around your run does wonders. Haven't seen a coyote or bobcat in over a month. They used to visit us daily!


I like my white eggs AND my brown, pink and green eggs. TYVM!

And Ron makes a good point, as much as I hate to admit it, there are rarely days that I don't have an egg from both of my leghorns. My brown egg layers like to slack.


My ducks are great layers though, I've gotten 3 eggs a day from 3 layers for as long as I can remember.
Rainplace or Nyrial (or anyone)

I'm starting to have a problem with my two Magpie drakes picking on my chickens. A couple weeks ago one of my ducks started circling my BR rooster and pecking him in the chest and butt. driving the roo nuts. At first we thought it was cute and funny. BUT NOT anymore. Now they are picking on all my chickens. They will grab the chickens by the head and try pulling them around the run. Or they will get on their backs and beat on them. They are getting pretty mean. If they didn't belong to my daughter, I would be having BBQ duck !!!!!!!!!!! Could this be some kind of mating thing???

Any Idea's ????????????????????/
You all realize I am only teasing about brown eggs vs white eggs, or little ones, or blue ones...right!!! The very best kind of eggs are of course are the ones freshly layed in your very own backyard by your very own lil flock (duck eggs count too)!

I do think your drakes are trying to make their move on your rooster's flock of hens. A bad case of spring fever and I would be worried for my hens safety. Anyway to separate the ducks from the flock?

And as to the helpful tip about human urine as a coyote deterrent...I'll just take your word on that!
Funny, but I do believe it probably works.
I actually separated my drakes for the same reason from my (duck) hens. I don't care if it is spring and they're feeling over amorous, three on one is NOT cool , especially when that one is only 3 months old (if that even, when did we get those babies Rain?)

The drakes aren't happy about it, I put them in a coop with my meanest roosters. But at least now the babies can come out of the shed without fear of being attacked, and the roosters and drakes don't bother each other.

If it was me, I would separate the magpies, there's no reason to make the chickens have to put up with that. Rain would be a better authority on it though.
ETA: I wonder how good duck would be smoked.. mmm.. smokeh...
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