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Everyone remember a few days ago I asked you all how old your roos were when they first began to crow ?
Well, 2 days ago (exactly 1 day after I asked you all) my blue roo began doing

AHAH!!! HA HA HA HA ......So cute, alittle soft...like he is laughing.
And I cannot visit long as I have a dr appt, but want to tell you all that you haven't lived until you have hatched and raised a few Guinea fowl.
They are the weirdest little birds...so odd, such funny noises.
I love them...but so weird.
You can come over & check out our GLW. They are pretty, she's 'the model' of our flock.
And now we're down to five
We're so sad- @#%(! predators!
So I guess we'll need to think about more.... Maybe when my grief goes away

PitterPatterPlace, so sorry to hear you lost one!
Sometimes it feels like a ticking time bomb. I think to myself, "When are we going to lose one to a predator?! AGGGHHH! Will it be my favorite hen, Mrs. Tweedy? Of course it will because she is the sweetest of the bunch." I know, pretty optimistic aren't I.
How is your GLW? Is/Are she/they pretty quiet or noisy, friendly or flighty?
Here in Seattle they're trying to up it to 8 chickens per standard lot (currently only 3 per standard lot). We can have 6 (and we have the 6) but I keep dreaming of more...

...And we haven't even had a first egg yet!

Same here. I haven't had an egg yet, but I'm looking at larger coops, and thinking about which breeds to try next.
I'm forcing myself to wait until next spring because that's the grown up thing to do. Sometimes, I hate being a grown up.

IT IS SO ADDICTIVE! I just can't help myself. It's just like when I get a seed catalog...I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!
I get so excited at the idea of trying this breed or that breed of chicken even though I can only have 6 total and I already have five and it's not a good idea to bring in just one bird. I always think about chicken math where when you can only have 6 total chickens on your property but you get 15 birds because well 1+5=6 right!
Wyandottes are very pretty and seem to be very attentive to us (aka Mother Hen).

Our GLW is lowest on the totem pole (and smaller than our SLW). She, "Goldie", is definitely the prettiest of the bunch.

Silvie, the SLW, is also striking and is the number two. She is our nephews favorite one. Great personality.

Thank you for your kind words about our EE, Mary.
We're still so very sad so I'm trying to get my fix being on here and talking about the other ones....
What kind of box is this that the hens are in? I am still figuring out how to make nesting boxes or buy something easy to use.....this looks like it would work great. Hey, I have 13 hens....I will only need 2 boxes as they can all fit in it at once...Like your ladies are doing. (I am of course just joking, I will put up the appropriate number of boxes).
That is an old recycling bin from the days when we had to seperate our recyclables. Our garbage company does not do it that way any more. Maybe if you called your local garbage company they would have some old ones you could have. I have one in each coop and my chickens prefer over the nest boxes I made. The only issue is that they are plastic and need a little more bedding than a wooden one.
Good luck.
Ya, our garbage company has never done this (we live in the sticks)...they look like they would work really well, though. I am going to try and find something, premade, so I dont' have to try and build something. Anyone have any ideas?
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