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WE HAVE AN EGG! Roz, who I rescued from the bald eagle, has laid her first egg. It's small, but first eggs usually are. I'm no longer an empty nester.


There is no way I could ever do what you do! You have my Thanks though cause somebody's gotta do it!!!!


Congrats on you first egg!

We've been busy playing with the new goaties all week. And the girls are all busy cranking out their 4-H record books this weekend as they are due on Tuesday! Hopefully my oldest two will do as well as they did the last two years and then they won't have to keep their yearly book anymore. This is the 1st yr my youngest has had to do one so that's been fun!

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!
Update on our new bantam Araucanas:

The white pullet is calmer and cooing today. Does anyone have experience with birds that coo?
She is supposed to have one tuft but
I don't see it.
The off-colored pullet is the one we have been really excited getting but she's a wild woman (raised by a hen).
We'll be working hard during this quarantine period getting them ready for our 'hands-on' flock.



Now we have to think of names...
So far thinking of 'Mourning' for the white cooing girl & 'Spazz-Ma-Tazz' for Miss GoldenBlue. Lol!
Okay, two things:

One, we have our first egg ever! Yay!
We never thought it was going to happen. Our BA Bumble Bee laid her first egg around 9:30-ish. No egg song (yay) but she definitely sounded like she was working hard.

Here's a pix:


Two, we are on coop number two.
Well, chalk it up to being new at chicken raising we are now building a bigger better habitat for the girls because when it really started raining hard (which, it has off and on over the past couple of weeks) the trees that I thought would provide them with a good chunk of dry area doesn't and really the girls only had 3 sq. ft of dry. That will never do for five heavy birdies! The saddest part was watching them try to dust themsevles in mud! Flinging it everywhere. Poor things. Back to the drawing board. So we are building them what amounts to a covered aviary. Spoiled girls that they are. Hopefully we can get it finished tomorrow before it starts raining again.
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We are looking...but the guy that came out has been busy and said he would send a portable sawmill guy to come out, but none has.
This is spruce, at least 120-140-plus feet, and at minimum 6-8 feet through the butt, most are limbed and laying here...Impossible for a self loader to load hunks, no saw mill can use them, too big for the grizzly at the pulp mill, and so far no takers with portable saws...I cannot see a portable saw cutting this thing up...how to pick hunks up is the trial~
Cheryl be careful!!!!!!!!!!

Illia************** I too love a deep snowy winter, it does indeed insulate and keep things warmer.
I do not carefor the windy bone chilling cold, like in the 20s to minus 30...that is too cold.
I lost alot of chickens in minus 20 and 30 weather in Northern Idaho, too cold, trees blow up, your hair can freeze and snap right off...eyeballs almost freeze...noses and fingers and toes suffer...your car will freeze to and stick to, the frozen driveway...give me nice warm snow anyday!!! http://bestsmileys.com/cold/13.gif

If they are to large to move then you want the guy with a lucas sawmill... I saw him on CL just a little bit ago. Best thing would be to post on CL a photo and request to split lumber in trade for milling...
Its just what I would do and i'm a goof so no need to listen to me

Well that sounds like a great plan to me !
It sure is better than sitting here looking at these big trees laying every where...no goof at all !
I will post !
Well I do know a couple portable mill guys but they couldn't handle anything that big. There is a steam powered mill close to me who could cut them if he is still alive. But it would mean hauling them to him so that probably won't work. What about an "ALASKA" saw mill ??

I am going to post it on CL again and look for the sawmill guy rainwolf said they saw with a "lucas" mill...will see what happens ?
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