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Alright, I'm on a phone at my BF's and can't get the quoting to work.
The next door neighbors also have chickens and they gave us an antibiotic they had called Baytril. According to the directions, we have enough for a full round. Yay! I already forced a dose down her throat. They also gave us an eye ointment called "Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfates and Dexamethasone". No directions on it but I cleaned the goo out of her eye with a Q-tip then applied some of the ointment and her eye looks much better. She also also eaten a few bites of scrambled egg and swallowed some water, maybe only a tablespoon but it's a good sign. For now she's wrapped in a blanket in my lap and she seems better. Every few minutes she wakes up and swallows a few drops of water or maybe a tiny peck of egg.
Jess, that is a lovely offer and I do appreciate it. Hopefully it won't be necessary but I will definitely take you up on it if she doesn't improve.
Thanks everyone for your help!!!
If no terramycin, you can get eye irrigating saline solutions (for humans) at any pharmacy, and irrigate her eye every so often.
What an eventful day.
I met CL and Einstein today, alas it was just for a short while. I did get a very nice Jersey Giant roo for my girls.
Got him home (he's about 16 weeks old) and after about 2 hours in his crate and the girls being nosey I turned him loose.
Everything went very well, drank some water, went into the coop (I did too) and he checked everything out and then went back out into the run.
The #2,3,4 hens challenged him and he put them all in their place. He strutted his stuff and went into the yard for a little free ranging and ran into the coop boss. She apparently was not amused by his presence. They chest bumped, then they got their talons up and out and finally the coop boss had enough of this youngster and removed a beak full of chest feathers from him.
Yeah, he's learning. He ran off and sulked for awhile.
7 RIR, 2 Eng Orps and 1 young Jersey Giant in soft grey.

Started painting the coop today. Whew, I got one side done, primer only. All went well until clean up. Life is tough, but it sure gets harder when you add stupid to the formula.
I purchased 5 gals of good primer. The choice I had was tintable or non tintable primer. Since I had a difficult surface to cover I chose tintable and had it darkened from white to a deep pink. (another storey). I chose an oil base (I thought it was a water base) and when done I happily got my bucket and hose and proceeded to clean up my roller, pan and brush. I soon realized that I had a mess. sigh. Another trip to the hardware store for more trays, brush and roller and thinner.
Cant wait to hear what my neighbor has to say about my pink chicken coop. (it'll be barn red with white trim when done).
ha ha ha !!! The girls will learn !!!
I only hope he is not going to get too big for them, in which case you may have to saddle the girls due to his size/weight.
It wasn't amusing when it happened, but as these things go, it was about as good as it gets, unlike the time that the road contractors put down eight bales of nice first-cutting timothy for erosion control, in a dry summer like this one, and the cattle knocked down two panels of fence and were lined up out in the road as if eating from a manger.
I may even laugh at it, if I get eight hours of sleep tonight (for the first time since the equinox).
Also, amazing how very quiet it is with four fewer roosters!
So, I got rid of my Dish network over a year ago, one cause they were changing the program everytime I turned around and it was getting too expensive, so we had a digital box that we had never used, and so I hooked it up.

so I get about 6 channels, pbs of course and create tv are my favorite and the local channels and I've gotten pretty used to not seeing my other favorite shows on dish, BUT.... at the end of Sept our local station added ME tv memorable TV and it plays ALL the old shows from when we were kids!!

OK like Hawaii five O, Perry Mason, Make room for daddy, Mash, Emergency, lost in space, um...all the good westerns
like Gun Smoke, The big Valley, The rifleman, I could go on and on!! LOL My husband and I LOVE IT !!

Now I now a lot of you "kids" out there have no idea what I'm talking about but, today I was watching batman and I was probably only 6 or 7 when it was on but, when I heard the joker say he was gonna use his "surfing experience and ability tranformometer... I thought I was gonna die laughing!!

Anyway, it's fun to trip back to the "old school"!!!
I know how you are about the oldies !
NOW, do you get the oldies movie channel now ???????????
HA !!!
I finally caught up again..............was gone all day yesterda dealing with stuff
And meet up with mikeyB to give the Jersey Giant cockerel a new home.
These birds are far too expensive & beautiful to send to freezer camp.
Maria Hall sells her eggs for $100 a doz (and you only get 1 doz) plus shipping......her birds are awesome !
So yeah, none of them go in the freezer.
Today is clean up the yard day (as soon as it warms up outside) so hopefully it looks nice when the appraiser pops in....right now the garden is dying & vines & squash are dying & the whole thing needs attention.
Other than that, I am reading a book called "Loose the Wheat; Loose the Weight" by William Davis, MD and it is extrodinary how GMO wheat effects the body all in negative ways that regular wheat never did.
In the 70s when GMO wheat was introduced, I can almost pin point the exact day I started getting sick with Celiac Disease, as GMO wheat we know today has much, much more glutens in it than wheat of long ago that our mothers used.
Now, I need to read up on GMO corn & legumes (soy & beans) and see what they contain & how they effect the body.
It is both extremely scarey & very sad that Genetic modification is making our food poison...especially effecting sensitive individuals, those with genetic pre-dispositions (chrones, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease or IBS and Autism & other mental issues as well as diabetes)
No one in my Father's generation had a "beer belly" which is just another word for WHEAT belly...our mothers never worked out or jogged..and they all had tiny waistlines.....and I (we)ate bread with every meal back then...but not since GMO wheat has been widely farmed here.
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CR wanna try & hit a chipmunk with the 300 mag ???????????????

We are still dealing with the dead deer BTW..although it barely smells now...just thought it'd be funny (?) if we went up there & saw 16 d nails stuck in it..............
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to Dee and all of you here; thank you for all your sypathies - it is hard looking out my window and not seeing Luna on her porch.

It sounds like raccoon attacks are on the rise everywhere.
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