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The Star Spangled Banner like you have never heard it before.
Check it out............

I have to admit that is one of the better butchered versions I have heard of one of the GREATEST SONGS EVER.

I just can't understand why so many feel the need to change that song!!! If they are such a great song writer then they need to write and butcher their own damed song !!! DON'T RUIN WHAT IS ALREADY SO GREAT !!!!!

ETA Greg thanks for sharing it.
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I found a guy who is looking for a flock of chickens for his newly built chicken coop on some acreage. I have offered him 5 hens and my extra rooster. He thinks I am an angel.
I feel like I am an enabler.
I just know that I am feeding a whole bunch of chickens and I really want to be able to focus on my Cream Legbars.
Hey, if he built a coop, he was going to get chickens, so you're just helping him out as well as yourself.
Makes me wonder if the bird that attempted to pick up Drama that day may have been a juvenile Bald Eagle. It did not look like any picture of a hawk that we were ever able to find. I'm off to look for pictures of juvenile Bald Eagles...
They are dark and about a year old start getting white...here is one that we photographed in West Seattle:

The interpretation of our National Anthem I thought was well done and done with passion.
I too, like CR like the version I grew up with and love. However, a musician's job is not to just play the notes as written his job is to interpret the notes and the emotion delivered by the words.
These young men did an excellent job.

Just think, if musicians did not enterpret music, we would not have delta blues, rag time, Chicago blues, swing, jazz and all its different forms, no rythm and blues, no country, no rockabilly, no pop, no rock and roll, and on and on.

Music writers pen notes, musicians enterpret those notes and bring the writen music alive.
sorry for the long post on music.
That is cute!! LOL!! dang it I missed Itsren's hatching experience!! I'm sorry!! When I got on I was like 553 posts behind, sorry, I'm not going to go through them all, but, I just went through the last couple pages, I'm sure I missed a lot!! I hope CR did well in Salem!!???
After learning having many hours of experience I'd have no problem driving this.
But.......................... sitting in the passenger seat no thank you.
One wrong move kiss your butt goodbye.
I just don't like placing my life in some one else's hand.

That being said, I can see how it wouldn't bother others but me no thank you if I go out like this I want it to be my fault not someone else"s.
Think you'll enjoy watching this...................
Wonder what their insurance rates are? LOL!
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Mikey and Greg While I did enjoy the different version . In my opinion there are just some things that should NEVER be changed. However I can also respect that my views are often pretty twisted from others.
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