Wasn't sure where to ask this..?


Dense Egg Goo
9 Years
Mar 22, 2010
Sacramento CA
It falls under chicken behaviors but also raising chicks. If it should be moved, I'll do so

Question is: How common are 'foster' hens? Say I get a few hatchlings, and have a broody hen, what are the chances of her 'adopting' them? How can I aim for success? Any advice would be great. I am addicted to learning about these guys.
I think its possible-

Check the chicken behaviors section, I bet thats where you"ll find more info! (Chicken behavior & Egglaying)
I've done it a couple of times and haven't had any problems. You want to let the hen be broody for a week or two before you give her chicks and it seems to work best if you do it in the evening when they are kinda sleepy. I have one hen that I could give her puppies in the middle of the day and she'd take care of them, but generally speaking you'll have better luck if you give her the chicks in the evening. Also you should have a back up plan just in case she won't take them since it's not a sure thing, just a very likely thing.
Oh awesome! I will look at other threads, thanks for the information. I have two pullets now, both breeds known for seldom broodiness which is what I wanted with them. But next spring I would like to get 2 or so more chicks and hopefully by then I will have settled on a breed known for being broody often such as a BO. In my mind, au natural as possible, and since I can't have a breeding roo this is my next best thing.
Of course if it doesn't work out I always have the brooder available.
My BO is the one I could give puppies to, she's an awesome mom. Silkies are known for going broody and mothering almost anything too. They aren't as big as a BO, but if you're only interested in a couple of chicks at a time that could be a good option too.

ETA: I see one of your girls is an EE. Two of my threee EE's went broody before their first b-day so you may get that broody hen sooner then you think.
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Also just noticed that it way your thread on Joon and Tommy that had me sputtering coffee last night to the point that dh had to know what the heck I was reading about. You have a real knack for painting a story.
I am glad it made you laugh
Poor Tommy hahaha. He protects them from my cat, but what thanks does he get? chased and pecked LOL.

Thanks for the info about EE's, I am new to that breed.
I really enjoy my two, and once we expand coop/run I can't wait to get a few more.

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