Wasn't sure where to put this but parents said yes to chickens :)


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Good news!! My parents finally gave me a definite YES on the chickens, and may even pay for half! But ONLY if I get a job. Which should be fairly simple, this really motivates me to get my butt in gear and get a job. Haha theyve kinda said yes/hinted it but were concerned about predators, etc. but never actually officially said yes but they finally did tonight. so happy :D
Woot, that's awesome! What breeds are you going to get?

Good luck with finding a job, I'm sure you'll be successful if you're persistent.

Sounds good
Woot, that's awesome! What breeds are you going to get?

Good luck with finding a job, I'm sure you'll be successful if you're persistent.

Well, my dad really likes/wants Rhode Island Reds, as do I, and I'm not sure he knows many other breeds so I'll probably pick the other breeds. I want RIR, as well as Plymouth Rocks (probably barred and maybe a white, not sure about partridge) and Buff Orpington. And maybe black Australorp and I've read Red Stars/sex link are really good layers, above even rocks and reds, and friendly and cold hardy, so well probably get those too. Maybe New Hampshire Red but I'm not sure. And I might get one Easter egger or something that lays color so we have more colorful eggs instead of all brown and maybe a silkie or something cause they're friendly and hilarious looking hahah :) I've read about breeds and done a couple breed match things and it seems to consistently suggest the ones I want, as well as the Australorp and Sex Link which is how I found them, so I'll take that as a good sign :) lol They need to be cold hardy since we're in Massachusetts, lay pretty well and big since that's the reason were getting them, and be friendly since I consider them pets xD hahaha so that's how those breeds were chosen, but I'm open to suggestions :)

And thank you so much! I was hoping to work at a pet store or something but now I'm applying to Subway and everywhere. I've been really bad about looking, been home 2 or 3 months, but this has motivated me to start seriously looking :) ha

Thanks again everyone :)
That is very exciting... Good luck with the chickens and also hope you find a job that you like...
Woot, that's awesome! What breeds are you going to get?

Good luck with finding a job, I'm sure you'll be successful if you're persistent.

Well, my dad really likes/wants Rhode Island Reds, as do I, and I'm not sure he knows many other breeds so I'll probably pick the other breeds. I want RIR, as well as Plymouth Rocks (probably barred and maybe a white, not sure about partridge) and Buff Orpington. And maybe black Australorp and I've read Red Stars/sex link are really good layers, above even rocks and reds, and friendly and cold hardy, so well probably get those too. Maybe New Hampshire Red but I'm not sure. And I might get one Easter egger or something that lays color so we have more colorful eggs instead of all brown and maybe a silkie or something cause they're friendly and hilarious looking hahah :) I've read about breeds and done a couple breed match things and it seems to consistently suggest the ones I want, as well as the Australorp and Sex Link which is how I found them, so I'll take that as a good sign :) lol They need to be cold hardy since we're in Massachusetts, lay pretty well and big since that's the reason were getting them, and be friendly since I consider them pets xD hahaha so that's how those breeds were chosen, but I'm open to suggestions :)

And thank you so much! I was hoping to work at a pet store or something but now I'm applying to Subway and everywhere. I've been really bad about looking, been home 2 or 3 months, but this has motivated me to start seriously looking :) ha

Thanks again everyone :)

Great choices! It's great that you've done so much research, it sounds like those breeds will suit you perfectly :D

We have kept red stars for five or six years now, and they are excellent layers. They don't break in winter and most of ours don't even molt every year. We get an egg a day from each, and they are large tasty eggs. However there's always a violent one in our flock who attacks our feet, usually the lead hen in the pecking order - I suspect this is because we don't have any roosters so one of the hens always takes it upon herself to... fill the vacancy lol. But other than that they're all pretty friendly, especially when they're chicks.

I've heard good things about buff orpingtons especially, but all the other breeds too. And you should get a silkie, they really are quite funny looking. :p

I'd like to work in Subway, they always have the best food smells wafting around in there, lol. I've been looking for a job for years, and am yet to actually land a paid one. However, I have only done online applications and one CV-distributing tour of the city in all that time, and opportunity doesn't tend to knock on one's door when one slacks off. :lol: Anyway, good luck, and I hope you find one that you like!

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