Wasp nests in the chicken run


Sally PB

Premium Feather Member
Aug 7, 2020
Belding, MI

I found two of these inside the chicken run.

If they were outside, I'd spray them with Raid wasp/hornet killer. (And then skedaddle.) The bugs fall to the ground, twitch, and die. Sorry bugs, my house/shed/greenhouse, my rules. You're not welcome. You've stung me before.

I don't want the chickens to eat the wasps, and I doubt the spray that falls to the ground should be on their menu. Someone mentioned spraying the nest with a mixture of Dawn dish soap/water, a teaspoon soap to a cup of water. Would that be safe for chickens to eat, if they chose to?

Does anyone have other ideas on how to get rid of them in a chicken-safe manner? I'm going to tag a bunch of people for input. I can't be the only person with this problem. Thank you!

@aart @DobieLover @U_Stormcrow @sourland @Shadrach @3KillerBs @Perris
I went on Amazon and bought a diatomaceous earth puffer with an extended nozzle. I’ve bought food grade diatomaceous earth. At night when everyone’s asleep, I, puff a healthy bit of powder into those openings. Diatomaceous earth will not harm your chickens. It took a while to be observant, to figure out where the wasps were nesting. You just have to watch them see where they go. You’ll see them making an airline path lol
Oh, and another thought is that I don’t remember who it was exactly that said this, but they were familiar with an environmental specialist of some sort. The environmental specialist says that they keep their cabins, ceilings and overhangs of all kinds painted sky blue, because the wasp won’t build a nest on it as they are believing that it could be part of the sky! Sounds crazy, I know! But because I had read that, I painted not just the ceiling but my entire inside of my coop is blue! The run is a different story because that’s metal.

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