
I have had success diverting wasps from around my house and coop by hanging those fake paper nests. Trick is that they have to go up very early - before the wasps arrive. 2 years ago there was a nest in one coop. Wasps and ducks ignored each other but it make it tricky to gather eggs.
Half inch hardware cloth took care of my wasp problem. They built about ten nests in the couple of months before I putting the hardware cloth made it to the top of the to do list. The chickens couldn't reach them.

The wasps could get through the hardware cloth but they had to land and crawl through it. I think they left because they couldn't fly closer to their nests.
Wasp wont bother you either i had a giant nest in my coop that wasnt used before all they did was go out...get bugs and go back to their nest never once did they attack
If I am in and out quickly, the don’t bother me, but if I am working in their immediate area, they will attack.

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