Watch out for breeders selling infected stock!


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 21, 2008
I recently bought birds that were infected with ILT, a very deadly herpes virus. Before buying birds make sure to get a certified form of the birds health and be sure your breeder is up to date on all state certifications. It is illegal to sell birds without the flock being tested for ILT and other deadly contagious illnesses.
I am in MA but the birds were from WA. 15 Ameraucanas all infected. Apparently the breeder knew she had infected birds but sold them anyway!
Really? Do they check for that when they do NPIP testing? I was told that's all I had to have done to sell chicks/chickens/eggs.

Sorry to hear about the trouble. :-(
Can I ask you what the symptoms were? I also bought 2 from a breeder, he implied he hatched them himself but I'm not sure and they are sick. They are quarantined but do not seem to be improving with the meds I'm giving.
She sold the birds? OR just eggs? I know if you have anything that seem sick you are not suppose to sell it and call NPIP right away. That is really messed up. Are you the ones with the birds? Im really sorry someone could be so reckless.
If you purchase birds with a reportable disease or highly contagious disease, report the seller to your animal health commission immediately. They will deal with the seller and track down others who received sick birds (also depends on the state.)

NPIP does not require ILT testing for you to be certified. However, if you transport birds across state lines, the states have additional requirements before the birds can come into the state. Again, it depends on the state.
OK I have researched this ILT and studied the 2 birds I bought more closely and I believe they have this. I believe its the mild form, based upon the symptoms that I found. I will call the Ohio Dept of Agriculture, however I'm concerned if I do that, that they will want to take my existing birds or something. Should I just cull them and burn the carcasses and be done with it?

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