Water addition in Little Giant incubator

could you just take 1 or 2 of the eggs out to see what you are doing my hova bators have enogh room on the right side to easily put water in the right holes/trough
50 cc syringe with 1/4 inch aquarium tubing, I place the tube thru the second hole on top of the LG and place tape over it, snake the tubing down thru the turner and thru the 1/4 wire, which holds it in place nicely, I keep the syringe full of water on top of the bator (keeps it warm) and squirt a little water in when needed. this also allows me to tape the sides shut of the LG, which helps with drafts... imho.
I have some tubing that runs through the vent hole and then splits to each tray. I just run the tube through a hole in the turner, one less egg isn't going to kill me. Then I just run water down through it.
You Can Purchase Small Tubing From Any Home Depot... Just Rig The Tubing To Each Trough Permanently And Duct Tape It In Place...make The Ends Come Out Of The Unit And Mark Them. Then It's Just A Matter Of Adding Water Via The Tubing And A Marinating Syringe Without Opening The Unit
I use a marinating needle and warm water .I line the water troughs with a thin layer of sponge on the bottom .that way you can see where to shoot the water,I also leave several open spaces in the turning racks so I can see the sponges clearly,sponges help hold the water also,,works great for me,I have great hatches using a lil giant..got 50 eggs due to hatch the 14th,,,but I never completly load up my racks either
you've obviously dealt with this unit.

i've thought to run a tub up and over the two little wells, but the wire mesh sits on the rims of the wells. the egg turner is close to the wire mesh and i am not sure i could snake tube under them, but will be trying soon.

yeah, enough money has been spent on these little devils. they either hatch as is, or not.

i understand an incubator made correctly rather than cheaply is the answer, but there is zero chance we buy a "real incubator."

Yes. I have one ROSCO. They are excellent for dry hatching chicken eggs! They will hold a constant 98.9 deg. temp. for around 14 days, then spike to 108 deg. F. for no apparent reason. No biggie for dry hatching chicken eggs, but a real pain in the vent when trying to hatch game birds!

I got your airline tubing, paper towels, and feminine hygiene products right here

No/Yes, there is no such thing as a perfect incubator!
i'm opening up the unit to put water in the water channels. this is during the first 14 days. how big of a deal is this for cortunix? i opened up the hatching unit during the last hatch. all eggs were pipping and they just stopped and died. it would not be a big deal at all if they were chicken eggs.
I line the bottom of mine with a trash bag, then just pour it in beside the egg turner. See that space on the right hand side of your picture? That's where I add it. When the chicks hatch, I just lift the trash bag out and Ta-da - easy clean up.

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