Water and Food in the coop?


6 Years
Apr 4, 2013
This is probably a silly question, but I'm new so hang with me here.

When you lock your chickens up in their coop for the night, do you have food and water in there? Or do they just sit tight until morning?
For elevated food and water, have the tray no higher than the height of the shortest chicken's back.

I like to keep the food in the coop. It keeps it dry, plus it's away from wild birds and animals. In the winter, we use lights in the coop to extend the day. They have something to eat during those hours. They also have food when we have storms or it's too cold and they're staying in the coop.

I always have water in the coop. In the winter, that's where the electricity is, to keep it unfrozen. In the summer, they have water in the run and out on the property. That way, they don't have to go back to the coop just for a drink. I think they stay more hydrated that way.
I have food in my coop all day everyday...But I also free range and have no runs. So...the chickens are free to eat whenever they want. I see them eat a little in the morning before they go out sometimes and they eat a little before they go to roost in the evenings.
I am raising Orpingtons and barred rocks. My question is, how height should I hang the watering can and feeders bore the ground?
I would like the girl to be able to get to their water and feed.
We never any leave food or water in the coop but our hens are out by 7:30 AM and in dark and only go into the coop during the day to lay.

The hens freerange but we do have a (7x12) run. I keep the food and water in the run on top of 4X6 blocks. It's high enough off the ground so the hens don't scratch too much crap into then but low enough for them to be able to eat and drink.
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Thanks for the info. We have the feed and water at about the right height, as our chickens seem to have no problem getting to them. Both are about 8. Inches above the ground. We did put a cement block by each just in case.
What are the best waters and feeders to use? I know most of it is based on personal preference and the chickens. I just want to waste less feed and also try to prevent the water from getting so dirty.
I do keep some in their coop, i see no reason not too the girls aren't really messy and that way if i were to be delayed i know they are equipped for it.
What are the best waters and feeders to use? I know most of it is based on personal preference and the chickens. I just want to waste less feed and also try to prevent the water from getting so dirty.

Hanging for the feed. Water i elevate it, on some blocks of wood that helps but it's not perfect, i am contemplating a nipple waterer but unsure on the concept, as there are grumbles about whether they get enough water with them.
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