water bird bath?


6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
Newcomerstown Oh
Ok a totally newbie question.

I know chickens love dust baths but what about a small wading pool with about an inch or two of water in the summertime to help them cool down?
We used to live in an extremely hot climate and I often found my hens standing in their water bowls, so I started making muddy puddles for them to stand in. They loved the puddles and spent a lot of time in there, scratching around and even "dust bathing" in it when it started drying out. So go ahead, I'm sure your hens will will enjoy somewhere to cool their feet :)
They'll be fine. I forgot until we started talking about chickens and water now, we used to flood the pastures where they free ranged and they loved running around in the water. Didn't do them any harm. It wasn't deep, about 4 inches maybe. We didn't let the young ones and the chicks out there, obviously!

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