Water freeze

I use a birdbath heater to prevent ice from forming in my bucket waterer (a 5 gallon bucket with four avian mister water nipples screwed into the bottom). The heater automatically switches off if the water level gets too low, and it's safe to use in a plastic bucket. So far I haven't had any problems with ice. I got hte heater and nipples on Amazon.com/
I use a birdbath heater to prevent ice from forming in my bucket waterer (a 5 gallon bucket with four avian mister water nipples screwed into the bottom). The heater automatically switches off if the water level gets too low, and it's safe to use in a plastic bucket. So far I haven't had any problems with ice. I got hte heater and nipples on Amazon.com/
I like the idea of this system, may have to try it next year, didn't go that route thinking the nipples would freeze in winter...hmmmm
I live in alaska and my water keeps freezing but I have a heat lamp on it. Anything?
I use this heated waterer. It's good down to zero. When it goes below zero, maybe you could put the heating lamp above it to keep it in "the zone" and prevent freezing?
I plugged it into one of these outlet doo-dads with an extension cord designed for outside use
and protected the connection with one of these covers

So far, so good! Nothing has frozen.
Good luck!
I use this heated waterer. It's good down to zero. When it goes below zero, maybe you could put the heating lamp above it to keep it in "the zone" and prevent freezing?
I plugged it into one of these outlet doo-dads with an extension cord designed for outside use
and protected the connection with one of these covers

So far, so good! Nothing has frozen.
Good luck!
Well I do keep the heat lamp over it. It freezes but not as much. It's pretty good until I come and give them new water.
I use this heated waterer. It's good down to zero. When it goes below zero, maybe you could put the heating lamp above it to keep it in "the zone" and prevent freezing? http://www.amazon.com/Farm-Innovators-All-Seasons-Plastic-Fountain/dp/B001CCSJCQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1353088608&sr=8-1&keywords=heated+chicken+waterer I plugged it into one of these outlet doo-dads with an extension cord designed for outside use http://www.amazon.com/Farm-Innovato...rolled/dp/B0006U2HD2/ref=pd_sim_petsupplies_1 and protected the connection with one of these covers http://www.amazon.com/Farm-Innovato...-Tight/dp/B002MHFXS8/ref=pd_sim_petsupplies_2
So far, so good! Nothing has frozen. Good luck!
most of us winter folk go below zero, not worth getting in my opinion . Tin can heater, that's the way to go all the way!
Well I do keep the heat lamp over it. It freezes but not as much. It's pretty good until I come and give them new water.

We live in Mn. Yes, actual temps get down below zero occasionally thoughout the winter, but that doesn't happen too often. Usually it's just the wind chills that are dipping down that low.
I figure for the few days each winter that it does get that cold, I can just go out and refresh the water an extra time.

Lol - My girls are a ruckus bunch, prone to tipping things over, even when I have them set up or out of the way. I prefer to use something that doesn't have any bare wires or light bulbs in their reach when the inevitable happens.
We use the tin can hater, works wonderful. And cost me 5.00 ( got the cookie tin from second hand store. Right now it's -18 degrees and a foot of snow !

What wattage bulb are you using to keep water from freezing at -18? Is your waterer outside where it's -18 or inside the coop where it's slightly warmer?

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