Water needed in tractor?


Feb 4, 2023
I built a 3w x 6l x 2h ft chicken tractor for my 4 hens so that they can explore the yard and garden and feast on some grubs etc. My plan is to only have them in it for periods of the day when I'm home, as it's not as secure as their run, and though I'll move it around, it's still rather small. Question is, how often do they need water? Are they fine if they're in the tractor without water for 3-4 hours? For the size of the tractor, I haven't seen an obviously easy solution for a mobile waterer. In their run I have a hanging bucket nipple waterer.
I built a 3w x 6l x 2h ft chicken tractor for my 4 hens so that they can explore the yard and garden and feast on some grubs etc. My plan is to only have them in it for periods of the day when I'm home, as it's not as secure as their run, and though I'll move it around, it's still rather small. Question is, how often do they need water? Are they fine if they're in the tractor without water for 3-4 hours? For the size of the tractor, I haven't seen an obviously easy solution for a mobile waterer. In their run I have a hanging bucket nipple waterer.
Chickens should always have water available during the day. Check out pet stores for bowls that can be attached to the wire. There are some made for dog crates and also for bird cages that may work for you.
I built a 3w x 6l x 2h ft chicken tractor for my 4 hens so that they can explore the yard and garden and feast on some grubs etc. My plan is to only have them in it for periods of the day when I'm home, as it's not as secure as their run, and though I'll move it around, it's still rather small. Question is, how often do they need water? Are they fine if they're in the tractor without water for 3-4 hours? For the size of the tractor, I haven't seen an obviously easy solution for a mobile waterer. In their run I have a hanging bucket nipple waterer.
I am curious to know how you are making out with this? We are going to be using a big metal outdoor dog cage (putting wheels on it) to use during day as well. I hope I don’t need nesting boxes during that time but I guess I could make something small and mobile.
I am curious to know how you are making out with this? We are going to be using a big metal outdoor dog cage (putting wheels on it) to use during day as well. I hope I don’t need nesting boxes during that time but I guess I could make something small and mobile.
Yould make some cardboard nesting boxes, starting with coardboard boxes about 12" cubed or maybe a little bigger -- just glue or tape the top together and cut a circular hole about 10" in diameter in the narrower end. Add some bedding and maybe a fake egg, and they are ready to go. My hens love them.

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