Water system.

I made the hanging bucket/nipple feeder waterers so I never had to worry about dirty water. However my older hens (who weren't raised on this) hated using the system, and because of the gravity or the nipples and the pecking action I found it very WET under the waterer. Because of this I had to buy a Rubbermaid round feed pan for horses and put it under the bucket to catch the drips, then ended up just filling that full of water every day all winter since the hens clearly preferred the water pan. If I was to do it all again I would order the water nipple with cup combo. That way the water doesn't leak all over my wooden floor coop, and the chickens have an easier time actually sipping like they naturally do. Wth the water cups I think you have to attach them to PVC pipe. Will work on it in the summer maybe. But I wasn't happy with the chicken water nipples I bought. They were cheap but it has to work, and not make a huge mess for me to be able to keep using it.
I raised chicks on the water nipple piece and they're much more receptive but still prefer to dip their beak like the older hens do. The cup water feeders are more expensive but better it seems!
I use horizontal nipples in five gallon buckets. I also made a one gallon for my chick brooder.

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I use 2 kinds:
Ole reliable bucket from Home Depot with 2 drilled holes and sealed lid upside down in a large round metal container from tractor supply.
And my new favorite is the game bird auto fountain waterer that hooks up to garden hose.

I only have the gravity buckets as a backup for the auto watere( idiot Brother in law uses the other hose on occasion, and has forgotten to "not turn the water to the auto waterer off"
Luckily this only happened 2 times, and I am thankful I had the backups full!!"

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