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It was an accident posting from Harley's flock. I tried to get rid of that account when I made a new one but it was still logged in on my phone.

My eggs are fertile. I have one drake named splash and 9 ladies . I'm sorry that 1 was suppose to be a 10
I am going to hold off my shipment to Harley's/Hardizzle until this is squared away. Hardizzle stated that her swedes stopped laying on the same day that I messaged her that my swedes (from which the 10 eggs she claimed came) stopped laying for a few days due to being startled by new construction behind us. Not saying she is lying, just a little suspicious. Is it against the rules to offer eggs from a recent claim?
I am going to hold off my shipment to Harley's/Hardizzle until this is squared away.  Hardizzle stated that her swedes stopped laying on the same day that I messaged her that my swedes (from which the 10 eggs she claimed came) stopped laying for a few days due to being startled by new construction behind us.  Not saying she is lying, just a little suspicious.  Is it against the rules to offer eggs from a recent claim?

This is precisely why everyone is now required to write their username, breed & date collected on each egg in sharpie now. We have had problems with at least 2 other people doing exactly what you mentioned.

I'm still investigating & waiting on answers to a couple PMs. Thanks for being patient.
Ok, my investigation has been completed. Due to numerous factors we will be rolling back to dndjohnson for the current offer. PMs will be sent to involved parties with explanations. Thanks for your patience. Swapping will resume as soon as dndjohnson posts their updated offer.
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