Watering problems

crooked stripe

12 Years
Jan 14, 2008
N.E Ohio- Suffield
I purchased a heated waterer last fall. I have it sitting on bricks to keep the wood chips out of it. I stripped out the coop yesterday for a spring cleaning. A small section of coop floor was soaked and black from the waterer leaking. It is a 3 gallon with a stopper in the bottom for filling. The stopper drips all the time. I took it out and replaced it with a 1 gallon type with a screw off bottom. The old stand by. Has anyone else had this problem? I can't think of a way of fixing it. I also notice the water level comes right up to the top of the bowl. Any movement from the chickens and the water spills. I hate to spend $35.00 for the waterer and can't use it.
You may find that by rotating it so that the hole that lets the water in is at the lowest point on the blocks...they're tricky. I switched mine to the barn aiseway for the barn cats and gave the hens a heated dog bowl!
Can you unscrew the whole base from the top and refill it that way, caulking the plug in place so it doesn't leak? (I dunno, the heated 3 gal waterer I have doesn't have a plug, I've been envying youse guys with the other kind but maybe I am actually better off
) I do notice that I have to be careful which way mine faces -- as Lynne says, you have to have the side with the hole for the water to come out be the slightly *lowest* side.

Good luck,

I didn't see a single hole where the water enters the basin. I will have to study it more. If I could find the hole, I could partially fill the hole at the top to reduce the amount of water that was able to enter the bowl. I could also seal the plug and fill it by removing the whole base. I leveled up the base when I first installed it but the frost in the ground moves the coop up and down as it comes and goes. I guess there is always a challenge. That is what makes thing interesting.

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