Wattle cut almost in 2

Laid in the usa

Jul 28, 2021
I have a California hen name portia, today when i went out to put all the chickens up I noticed something off about one of her wattles. My husband said he saw her fighting with our wyandotte rooster cash who is an absolute a$$hole. When i took a closer look it was barely hanging on with a smell like chicken livers after youve had a long day of fishing. My husbands papa suggested using peroxide, but from what ive read im c9nsidering cutting the dangly bit off so she wont get picked on. Will post pictures in the morning. Tya
with a smell like chicken livers after youve had a long day of fishing.

fighting with our wyandotte rooster cash who is an absolute a$$hole.
Can you post photos?

I agree, if barely hanging on and has an bad odor, just cut it on off.

If the rooster has been fighting with her (beating her up?!) then you may want to check her over for other injuries as well. Behind the head on the neck, etc.

How old is the rooster? A California White Hen is no match for a mature large fowl Wyandotte rooster. Roosters should not be beating up and terrorizing hens. Been there done that...lesson learned for sure. A rooster that is mean to hens gets culled right on the spot.
Can you post photos?

I agree, if barely hanging on and has an bad odor, just cut it on off.

If the rooster has been fighting with her (beating her up?!) then you may want to check her over for other injuries as well. Behind the head on the neck, etc.

How old is the rooster? A California White Hen is no match for a mature large fowl Wyandotte rooster. Roosters should not be beating up and terrorizing hens. Been there done that...lesson learned for sure. A rooster that is mean to hens gets culled right on the spot

I got my cali whites, wyandottes, cochins, and bantams all at the same time, 2 weeks later i got my rir, barred rocks, cinnamon queen, and buff orpingtons and about a month later i got my lavender orpingtons. Everyone is well behaved besides him, and he would be the perfect wyandotte if it wasnt for his demeanor, he doesnt have spurs yet but has got me several times just by jumping and using his other toes. I want to breed my wyandottes but dont know if i should cull him and get a different roo or just keep the 2 hens as pets and cull him. I got them all in early march.
This is the hen in question, my husband believes "she" is a "he"


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I agree, if barely hanging on and has an bad odor, just cut it on off.

If the rooster has been fighting with her (beating her up?!) then you may want to check her over for other injuries as well. Behind the head on the neck, etc.

A California White Hen is no match for a mature large fowl Wyandotte rooster. Roosters should not be beating up and terrorizing hens.

+1 on all of the above, especially checking for other injuries. Poor girl..., but I agree "she" looks more like a "he". If that's the case, then the fighting makes sense. Your larger roo is asserting his dominance.
I got my cali whites, wyandottes, cochins, and bantams all at the same time, 2 weeks later i got my rir, barred rocks, cinnamon queen, and buff orpingtons and about a month later i got my lavender orpingtons. Everyone is well behaved besides him, and he would be the perfect wyandotte if it wasnt for his demeanor, he doesnt have spurs yet but has got me several times just by jumping and using his other toes. I want to breed my wyandottes but dont know if i should cull him and get a different roo or just keep the 2 hens as pets and cull him. I got them all in early march.

We've "re-homed" ornery roosters - a quick ad on Craigslist will often find someone willing to take a rooster no matter its disposition.
he doesnt have spurs yet but has got me several times just by jumping and using his other toes.
He would be soup at my house. I don't keep the boys that go after people, or that abuse hens. Honestly, there are way too many good boys out there that could use a good life to put up with a jerk. I have a wyandotte roo that is going on 6 1/2 years old and he's never attacked anyone. He's a sweetheart. Every bird is an individual and personalities and temperaments vary. If you were to breed him then there's a good chance he will pass on those traits he has. I wouldn't. I've had a few nasty boys, and many more that were not. Having a jerk makes taking care of the flock something unpleasant, instead of a joy. Rehoming a roo is sometimes possible. He may go somewhere else and become soup there. Or he may be used for cockfighting. Things to consider depending on how you feel about things. Unless I know the person who wants a roo, I personally feel like it's more humane to cull him. At least I know he isn't abused or neglected.
This is the hen in question, my husband believes "she" is a "he"
I’ve had similar circumstances with a rooster of mine. At the time we had tw roosters, a EE roo (Jasper) and a Silver Duckwing OEGB roo (Charlie). Since Jasper was much larger he tore a piece of Charlie’s comb. Charlie was really pretty, and we had considered showing him in the county fair. So we tried to leave it on and hope all will be well, but eventually it just turned black and fell off. The other hens would try to peck at him, aswell.
So I recommend cutting the piece off and using Syptic powder to stop the bleeding!

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