We are legal!!!!


11 Years
Nov 5, 2008
Torrance, CA

I just found out my application for a special permit to keep chickens was granted!!
The animal control officer in charge of my case was very sweet. She had to interview 28 of my neighbors (I don't know nearly that many of my neighbors) and no one was opposed to me having chickens.

My petition was specifically for Bantam hens, and now I can keep up to 3 at any given time. Our city ordinance has a limit of 4 pets total, 3 of the same species.

Now I can go chicken shopping and get my poor little banty a friend!

Thanks to everyone here who helped me with my letters to the city. I appreciate this support.
That's great-crazy that it's only 4 pets total-I would be in trouble! 28 is a lot of neighbors to have to ask-wow!
Now the hard part begins. Trying to decide what to get, and trying to keep it at three. I don't think I'm strong enough to do it.
Thanks everyone!

Vermontgal -I'm already going to push my luck with 6 baby chicks until they are old enough to figure out which ones I want to keep. And I like your signature. Most of my fruits and veggies are in the backyard except for avocados and lemons!

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