We are new to raising Chickens and to this site,


11 Years
Aug 30, 2008
I want to thank the Back yard chickens site for so much enjoyment. I Read and read all I could about raising chicks, building a coop, protecting them, feeding them, etc before I bought my two children 7 day old chicks. Well now we act like old pro's. Our 7 day old chick turned out to be Two Rhode Island red Roosters, 2 rhode island red hens, 1 golden sex link hen, 1 black giant hen, and 1 barred rock hen. They now are laying eggs each and every day. We are getting around 4 eggs a day. My family and friends all love the FREE Fresh eggs. And Since doing this my children have learned so much about life and the things we all seem to take for granted. We Love our Chickens so much and enjoy going to the coop to gather the eggs every day. This whole experience has taught my children so much. Before we had chickens my kids were like most pre teens where it watch T.v or play video games or what ever but now we get home from work and school and play outside with and around our chickens. I want to again thank this site. BYC has had a huge impact on making the experience and learning how to care and raise our chickens so easy and FUN!!
Here are a few pictures

From this to this. All grown up now!!!

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They look lovely!
Nice set up and lovely chickens.

Now run run for your lives!!! At first it will just be a little bit that you visit byc...then you'll be on here so much we'll know you by your first name...then you may start having chicken dreams...and then you'll talk about all this chicken talk to friends and family and keep refering back to something funny someone on backyard chickens said...and they'll look at you funny.

Why do you keep talking about chickens? Why is there a chicken on your apron? Did you just pull an egg out of your coat pocket? Did you say, "chicken DIAPER?" what on EARTH is that? What? You have a chicken in YOUR HOUSE???


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