We built a coop! What do you think?


In the Brooder
Apr 20, 2017
North Carolina
We've had 4 chickens for almost 2 months now, and they are nearing 5 months old. It became evidently pretty quickly that we needed a bigger coop, and I think we did a darn good job of getting a great one up and running in just a few weekends. We will be improving the run eventually, but it works very well for now. Outside dimensions of the coop are 4x6'3", with the walls being 8 feet tall with additional vented space above there. The run is 6 feet tall, and approx. 8x10. The ladies are out in their run all day and free range in the yard from time to time. We are thinking of adding a few more gals next year, maybe Bantams. So...what does everyone think??




Looks great! Was thinking of posting my newly fished coop and run, such a sad mess compared to yours
Lots of vertical space, but not much in the way of floor space --- you are almost at capacity now so adding even more than a couple of bantams could be problematic. Good ventilation and I love the light that is able to come in through the roofing! I would encourage you to consider external nest boxes (opening into the coop through a wall) as this will help to preserve the internal space as much as possible for living area. Moving the feed/water out to the run can also help to maximize the living space inside the coop.
Looks great! Was thinking of posting my newly fished coop and run, such a sad mess compared to yours

I'm sure yours is great!! Taking the time and effort to make something at all is pretty awesome! The little coop we had them in before was beyond pitiful, and our run certainly still needs some work, but we'll get there.

Lots of vertical space, but not much in the way of floor space --- you are almost at capacity now so adding even more than a couple of bantams could be problematic. Good ventilation and I love the light that is able to come in through the roofing! I would encourage you to consider external nest boxes (opening into the coop through a wall) as this will help to preserve the internal space as much as possible for living area. Moving the feed/water out to the run can also help to maximize the living space inside the coop.

Thanks so much for the feedback! The vertical space is great for sure, the gals already enjoy spending the early mornings up there. I think the inside square footage is right around 19 or 20, not great, but not awful either. The gals are outside in the large run as much as they want to be during the day, so I figured if the inside square footage was on the lower side of ideal, it might not be as bad. If we add more ladies, it would be no more than 4 bantams, and we still have the smaller coop if that needs to be used as well. I wasn't sure about putting food and water in the coop...right now I'm just trying to get them to like and get used to going in there, and thought it might sweeten the deal! I also thought it might be good for them to have it for the mornings I don't get out there as early as I should. Maybe I should take it out though??
And I almost forgot, here are the nest boxes, which now have straw in them. As "Ol Grey Mare" suggested, we considered putting them on the outside, but the coop design didn't really develop that way. I'm hoping having them up off the ground helps maintain underneath as useful floor space. I reckon it's all a work in progress and we'll modify as necessary.

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