We Did It!! Very First Egg!


10 Years
Sep 24, 2010
New Orleans, LA
At 19 weeks old, my first RIR has laid an egg!! I have 8 little ladies & have been waiting anxiously for this. I went to let then have a little free range time this morning &, as usual, I checked the nesting boxes to see if anything had happened. This time, one of my Henrietta's (I call them all Henrietta) was laying in the box. So I released the rest of them and left her in the nest box. About 10 minutes later, I heard a really, really loud egg song, and there it was - one gorgeous little brown egg. It weighs 41 grams, so I guess that makes it a small. I guess they'll get bigger as time goes on. It has a nice hard shell. I'll have to wait for at least one more so DH & I can share a meal - or a snack.


Nothing better than that first egg, well maybe the second one. They all make me happy! I look forward to checking for eggs everyday now.
We had placed fake eggs in our 3 nest boxes. These fake eggs looked quite real and even though I knew they were there I was momentarily tricked into thinking we got our first egg a couple of times. Then one day I was checking the boxes and saw two eggs in one box. One of them was actually a real egg. That was a lot of fun.

Congratulations to you for getting your first egg.

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