We don't know breed or gender on these


In the Brooder
May 21, 2015
They are all 19 weeks and we are trying to figure out if they are hens or roosters and what breed they are one of the pictures has a golden laced Wyandotte rooster in it he is 23 weeks but the rest we have no idea they came out of a Leann bargain bundle from Meyer hatchery and help would be appreciated trying to weed it some of our roosters since some of our hens are laying now we have to many roosters I think
Thank you










They are all 19 weeks and we are trying to figure out if they are hens or roosters and what breed they are one of the pictures has a golden laced Wyandotte rooster in it he is 23 weeks but the rest we have no idea they came out of a Leann bargain bundle from Meyer hatchery and help would be appreciated trying to weed it some of our roosters since some of our hens are laying now we have to many roosters I think
Thank you

Orpington cockerel

Orpington cockerel

Orpington pullets

Orpington mix cockerel

splash Cochin pullet

Mixed breed cockerel
The Orpington cockerel with white feathering is not pure. Neither is that barred cockerel. He might be a cuckoo Marans based black sexlink cockerel, but that is still a cross breed. The bargain bundle may be chicks from cross-breedings. Hatcheries frequently do this to increase the laying rate of some of the more poorly producing breeds.
Pictures look blurry to me more like an oil painting than a photo. The only one I am sure of is the splash cochin pullet. She is lovely.
They are all 19 weeks and we are trying to figure out if they are hens or roosters and what breed they are one of the pictures has a golden laced Wyandotte rooster in it he is 23 weeks but the rest we have no idea they came out of a Leann bargain bundle from Meyer hatchery and help would be appreciated trying to weed it some of our roosters since some of our hens are laying now we have to many roosters I think
Thank you

I mostly agree with gena. I have no idea what this buff and white bird would be, it really doesn't look like any pure bred bird. With hatcheries doing things like Favercaunas and olive eggers, it makes it hard to identify some of their birds cause they're not really purebreds. It doesn't look like any of the classic crosses, though.

My thought is this last guy is an Olive egger from a Legbar/Marans mix. that would explain the coloring and feathered legs.

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