We finished!!

rchucks, not trying to take your beautiful coop thread off topic, but how do those sunshades feel about snow? Does it go through them? The reason I ask is because I need a shade for my dogs' kennel for when they have to be in it when I am not home, but I don't want to have to take the thing on and off every spring and fall.
The snow will 'melt' throught it, but not 'fall' through it and accumulate underneath. I'm not sure if that makes sense or not, but they do hold up excellent to snow. One guy who works with me used one on a dog run about three years ago and says it still looks like new. We are in a valley, and get occasional snowfalls of upwards of 10-12" at times. Hope this helps!

My husband loved the stuff!! We will send an order thru your business.How exact do the measurements need to be the run I'm covering is 13ft long and 7 and a half ft. wide ,old dog run! Our summers are several days of 100 so a green is good. Happy chicken
person thank you!
I'm going to be on vacation for a couple of weeks. Please call my store at (775) 782-7663 or send an e-mail to [email protected] for the shade netting. If you call, ask for Cary and she will get you set up on the tarp. Thanks alot! Ryan
Hey Ryan,

Just checked out your website. Loved all the blurbs about employees, sounds like a great place to work! Also the aerial view of the store shows it is extremely neat - just like your coop!

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