we got a new toy!


12 Years
Nov 7, 2007
yo. ohio
We must be out of our minds, but we got a 4 wheeler today!
It has been a long time coming, but still a scary purchase, none the less!
It is a Honda Foreman. We bought the plow too, but the manual lift didn't come in, and they thought we were nuts for wanting manual instead of electric!
We will see though.
They threw in a free helmet for my youngest son, I was happy for that!
DH is still trying to justify the purchase. We need it ti help me haul water to the animals, and to help him bring up wood, and with all the snow lately pushing a wheel barrow up the hill with the wood is starting to take it's toll!
Plowing the 2 drives will be nice instead of having to shovel will be well worth it to me!
Thanks for letting me share!
Nice! I've always wanted a 4 wheeler, but generally we just use the tractor on our property. There's not really too much room for us on our hilly five acres to ride a four wheeler around. It would be neat to have and take to trails though!
oh how fun.. we must see some action shots..
Congratulations on your purchase! Why is it scary, though?

You will LOVE having the plow on it. Ours has a manual lift too. It's kind of a pain, but we've found the less electrical stuff, the less chance you have of something getting left on and draining the battery.

They make some great little trailers that you can get for a couple hundred dollars that would hold buckets of water, firewood, etc.

Our family has 3 of them. All Yamaha's. Mine's a Kodiak 450, DH's is a Grizzly 660 (he's a big guy) and DD's is a little 250. DD has been riding her by herself since she was 6. We ride a mountain trail back to another beach that's 15 miles one way and DD drove her 4-wheeler back there when she was 6. And yes, we wear helmets and know the safety rules, etc. See if you can find a training class for them in your area (your dealer should be able to point you to one). It will give you a lot more comfort in riding.

You will love your ATV and will find that they are addictive. ATV's are a way of life in Alaska. Riding is one of my favorite things to do.
Scary cuz of the economy! DH is an auto worker, works for Chrysler!
They did away with job bank, and he only has 9 years in, If any plants close he can be bumped!
So spending any money is scary.
I will get some pics soon!
Ah, I get it now. Yeah, it's getting to the point that buying a candy bar is scary.

smom1976 - yep, I said beach. I actually live on Kodiak Island, so we have lots of beaches. And they have sand! But not like normal beaches. Our sand is black and the water is cold year round. There are a few brave souls that swim in it on the hottest days, but not for long.

Here's one of our little beaches close to town.



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