We got a Rooster!

I've had chickens on and off for years and it
all depends on the individual person and the individual rooster. I'm a nice lady but I've had roosters that weren't having any of it lol! And I've had roosters that were basically pets. The one I have now is like a little dog follows me, chicken talks to me and bites my ankles if I'm getting too close to something he thinks is sketchy. I've honestly tried my best not to baby him but it hasn't worked out that way and it hasn't turned him into a monster he just has a good character. The only trouble I've had at all was him trying to love my feet. I just started picking him up and having "the talk" with him and after his hormones settled he was fine. But like I said I've had some roosters I couldn't even look at funny without them getting mean. :)
You do make a good point...my forearms and ankles have the scars from my current rooster. He was aggressive and would peck me and even break my skin! But like they say, "you gotta break a few eggs to make a cake". Every breed has there innate traits. Frito is a Rhode Island Red, they are known for being very aggressive. So, I put on my gloves and covered my arms and legs when handling him. He actually took me about 6 months longer to gentle, than my barred rocks. And now he is my only roo, my Boo-ba-la. LOL! Sometimes he gets excited to see me and he puffs up like a turkey, then he starts running at me. I stand firm and say, "Frito-o-o...there's my big turkey boy", "Hello my boo-ba" and I put my left foot forward for him. He'll jump on my foot and dance on it. I tried to break him of this compulsion, but he just could not stop. It was then that I realized it is better to work with their instincts. So, I taught him "No Peck", by picking him up and stroking his wattles. And when he was calm, I'd say while tapping his beak, "No Peck".
Each time I felt he might peck me I would firmly say, "No Peck". Now, I very rarely say it, he knows I don't like getting pecked. Even when he is in with my young hens, if he looks like he is getting too ruff I say "NO PECK!". He, will stop and look at me and start scratching the ground. Then, I say "Good boy Frito, you are my Boo-ba-la". I just talked to a guy who has a Silkie rooster. He says that rooster is so gentle. That is what Silkies are known for, their docile nature.

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