We got, "The Letter", from the City. Hows my response?

That's an interesting comment, because that was the problem. No-one wanted to make a motion because they did not want to open the doors to other people wanting their definition of livestock, in the city. The official decision is that for a period of one year, we show no cause to get complaints and we will have their full permission. My theory is... if they change the wording of the code, we will by then be Grandfathered in. The main discussion was if this would open a pandoras box of people wanting farm animals in the city, and what the ramifications would be. I can tell you that the City Attorney, the Mayor and two of the Council members thought there was no threat. It was a lot of sitting around, looking at each other, shrugging shoulders and saying "I don't know". Their ( the city codes ), definition of "Livestock", is weak. When I get my hard copy of written permission, i will then offer to help them access other info as to whittling it down. The entire meeting was far more intense than I had envisioned it to be.
Congratulations -- I am so happy for you!!!
I know this is a huge relief for you and your family.

I am just beginning a wee research and development process here in Ohio. Your case gives me encouragement and hope.

It sounds like the council did no research on the issue. They knew you were coming since it was on the agenda. It gives me the impression that they almost didn't care but wanted to hear what you had to say and go from there. Now that it has been discussed be prepared just in case other people catch wind of it and voice their opinions, negative or positive. Will it be in the newspaper? When you DO get that letter of approval then you can relax a little. I've been there in your shoes in different matters and it dragged on for awhile. In the end we did get the county's (we live in the country)approval but the state ended up refusing permits (it had to do with definitions of livestocks and exotic animals). Even though we failed in the end, I was happy that we did make it through the county commisioners meeting. Just be ready with answers.
Again congrats!!
Great letter. I hope everything works out. I hope I never get a letter like that. I have 30 + and some are big.
My neighbors love my chickens so it would have to be someone just causing problems.
I don't believe it is the council's responsibility to research a change in code proposed by a citizen.

If I, as an individual citizen, were to come up with some sort of proposed ordinance that required every dwelling in town to be completely self-sustaining, or for each family to own two cats and a dog, or to forbid reading in public places, or any other, should they have to research the impact?

No, I should bring that information to them as to why it would be good, and any arguments/rebuttals to those who would oppose my proposed ordinance. City council members should read and review any information given to them in advance so that they are prepared to ask questions and have some understanding of what is asked, but to do their own research? No. If they feel that more research is needed, then they have the option of delegating that research to city staff or the person bringing the proposal.
In my experience the council member does their own research. They are voted by the people to be on the board and to do what they think is best in the people's (town) interest. If they (council members) oppose for any reasons they better have done their homework to tell why they chose their decision. It is not 'up' to other people to do their homework for them. You are asking them for approval(votes) not some staff member. Thay can 'table' the issue till they get more info if they feel they need it. JMO

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