We Have Been Busy! Thank God for Kind People! ** Pic Heavy!**


8 Years
Feb 23, 2011
Crossville, Tennessee
I started selling plants and miniature fairy gardens/accessories to get more livestock and pay for fencing--etc. Then I met the most amazing people when I started posting ads looking for livestock!

One friend I met on LSN, she's the Yardsale Queen and somehow manages to get everything for .50, gave us meat rabbits and hatching eggs! Sooo we were busy putting together tractors that my other buddy and her husband, GAVE US! There are so many nice people around here, I am always amazed at the good hearts of people.

Miniature fairy garden! I am making them all custom ones to say thank you. The ones they are getting are bigger than this though. Me and buddy are also making hypertufa and polymer clay stuff to sell!

Polymer clay mermaid, in progress.

In one of the tractors!

My they were tasty and kid approved!

Then our Lamancha Shiane, had her baby doe!

And then we got our incubator. Well, you know what that meant!

Then the bantams came.

Gotta have ducks on a homestead, don't ya? lol! We got these this week.

Then the time came to get a guard dog for our house/son. Meet Rocky, our boxer x lab!

What to do with all the predators? Meet Anna Belle!!

More pictures to come later! Thanks for looking!

Its just been such an exciting few months for everyone! Were getting ready to get the goats bred for a round of babies! We pray were getting lots of does.
Great pictures. I kept scrolling and thought, "Wow. Someone's had a jam-packed few months!!!"
I like your fairy garden. I've always been one for miniature things/scale-models. Nice work.

Its been crazy! But in a good way. We are selling chicks now, too. Its been too long for farming for us, lol. My son turned the incubator up and now half my eggs are dead.
Two days before hatch! Some are pipped today though, thank God!

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