Mar 6, 2019
Hey, I have 4 chickens and one is very close to me since she is my first ever chicken and my #chickenBestFriend.
she has been broody before when I left all her eggs to her but i took her out of being broody since she was not eating and we had not fertile eggs.
niw I have 4 and we need some more chickens, due to corona we can’t get anymore animals.
so we are trying to hatch some without an incubator ,
does anyone have any idea to get one of my chickens broody,
by the the ages of all my chickens are 2 year old, around 6 months old
What kind of chickens do you have? Not all breeds go broody. Do you have a rooster? If not do you have a source for fertile eggs?

I have cochin, phoenix, Yokohama, and serama bantams; all of which brood. I simply leave an egg in the nests each day so that the nest slowly accumulates a full clutch of 8-15 eggs. Rarely does a hen not go broody.

Hey, I have 4 chickens and one is very close to me since she is my first ever chicken and my #chickenBestFriend.
she has been broody before when I left all her eggs to her but i took her out of being broody since she was not eating and we had not fertile eggs.
niw I have 4 and we need some more chickens, due to corona we can’t get anymore animals.
so we are trying to hatch some without an incubator ,
does anyone have any idea to get one of my chickens broody,
by the the ages of all my chickens are 2 year old, around 6 months old
hello @clucking with my chicken :frow
if she's been broody before she may well go again. As @nchls school said, if you leave eggs in the nest (or even golfballs) you'll encourage broodiness in one or more of your hens. Once you're sure they've gone broody (give it say 3 days) get hold of some hatching eggs locally (preloved or ebay have lots of sellers) which should be fertile. You might want to think about what breed if you have a choice locally (best not to have them shipped long distances). If you get them by post, give them 12-24 hours to settle before you put them under the hen (taking out whatever she was sitting on before). By that time she may have been sitting for a week, and she'll have another 3 to go to hatching, but that should not be an issue for her. Good luck!
Hi, I have a barred rock, a magpie (she got carried away with a fox but I got her back by chasing the fox)
a Susex and a I forgot the other, it’s a dark brown and an ginger chest
There really isnpt any way to know how long it will take for your chickens to go broody. they may not even go broody. How long ago was your favorite chicken broody?

What do you mean by "due to corona we can’t get anymore animals."
With my hens I figure 15-20 days from 1st egg laid to the start of brooding. My serama lay every other day with a clutch size of 6 to 8 eggs. The other breeds lays for three straight day-a day off-then three straight days-day off-... Until the full clutch is laid; 12-15 eggs. And there's always those that lay a few less or more.

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